Obama and his good friends in the far-left media

Medialens provides a corrective to the “liberal” Guardian over its blind repeating of US government talking points regarding Israel and Iran: On August 26, the Guardian newspaper published an article titled, ‘US takes on Israeli-Palestinian conflict and Iran’s nuclear programme in one massive gamble.’ Julian Borger and Ewen MacAskill told readers: “The Obama administration’s approach…

Paying money to shoot Arabs in the West Bank

This story is a classic example of the kind of ethical swamp modern Zionism has become. Is Zionism really about killing Arabs, brandishing a gun and hating Palestinians? For many, tragically, it is: Sharon Gat, owner of the “Caliber 3 Company,” steadies a little girl who comes up to his gunbelt. They’re holding a rifle…

The West Bank is still occupied, Washington

Please tell me that American diplomats read this story in Haaretz and aren’t fooled: The Israel Defense Forces has canceled a number of planned arrest operations in the West Bank fearing soldiers will be seen by American diplomats touring the territories. IDF officers serving with their units in the West Bank said they were instructed…

Survey puts Israel and Zionism under scrutiny

My following article appears in Crikey: Monash University’s Australian Centre for Jewish Civilisation has released the preliminary findings of its survey of Australian and New Zealand Jewry in which… 6200 Jewish people answered 144 questions on a variety of subjects, including anti-Semitism, Israel and Zionism, inter-marriage, education and identity. It’s the biggest study of its sort…

When words in the Middle East have no meaning

The following directive was just sent out internally by SBS News and Current Affairs: As Middle East peace talks gather momentum once again, it is important that all programs take care in the language used to describe the Occupied Territories. Recently the SBS Ombudsman ruled the use of the term “Palestinian land” in a World…

My Israel Question third edition out today

The third edition of my best-selling book, My Israel Question, is released today: Antony’s Loewenstein’s My Israel Question was a bestseller when first published and generated a storm of controversy, critical praise and robust public debate. Loewenstein’s forensic discussion of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict continues here in a fully updated and expanded new edition, examining the…

East Jerusalem is key ground

Akiva Eldar in Haaretz: If there is any truth in the reports that came out of Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s trip to Europe – that the United States agreed Israel can go on building in East Jerusalem – the headlines should have read “Obama has pulled out of the Middle East peace process.” Paraphrasing the…

Gazans celebrate the holy Muslim festival

A report from inside Gaza during the festival of Ramadan: I heard it all the time in the occupied West Bank back in 2007, and I hear it here in besieged Gaza also: ”˜we used to live with the Jews, side by side. We worked together, lived as neighbours.’ The theme of coexistence is bastardized…

How to pressure Israel one cultural step at a time

How to pressure Israel to change its behaviour? There are a myriad of ways but normalising relations with an apartheid state is not one of them. Outside pressure is the only way to bring change (a message I heard time and time again from countless Israeli Jews during my recent visit there). The occupation won’t…

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