Obama is not the anti-Christ, repeat after me

J Street launches a new website, Obama Smear Busters, in an attempt to debunk the growing number of lies spread by the fundamentalist Zionist communities in Israel and the US: – Obama threw Israel under the bus in Cairo speech? Nope. – “Birther” leader claims Obama is “clear and present danger to Israel?” Ridiculous. –…

Watching the two-state solution disappear

While the world dithers, Jewish settlers in the occupied territories are busy: House trailers are playing a major role as West Bank settlers try to create facts on the ground before the United States and Israel reach any decision on a construction freeze in the settlements. In recent months, settlers have been trying to assemble…

Separate and divide Jews and the rest

I met a number of Western aid workers in Israel who wondered about this new Israeli policy: In an echo of restrictions already firmly in place in Gaza, Israel has begun barring movement between Israel and the West Bank for anyone holding a foreign passport, including humanitarian aid workers and thousands of Palestinian residents. The…

Straight from the New York Times to an IDF office near you

I’ve written before about New York Times columnist Thomas Friedman and his constant swallowing of IDF and Israeli government propaganda over the Middle East. So this news (via Helena Cobban) makes perfect sense: Friedman gave a lecture last week to a number of members of the IDF General Staff. He spoke to them about his…

Make the Palestinians suffer for our God-given rights

Michael Freund writes in the Jerusalem Post on the attitudes of the hardline, Zionist Right: For it is precisely the continued expansion of Jewish communities in Judea and Samaria which provides the best chance for achieving a long-term, viable peace between Israelis and Palestinians.

Israel is running rings around Obama

I share Gideon Levy’s despair in Haaretz over America’s seeming unwillingness to pressure Israel over its settlement program and overall behaviour in the occupied territories. During my recent visit to Israel, the West Bank and Gaza, an overall sense of resignation and despair hung everywhere: With great sorrow and deep consternation, we hereby declare the…

Inside the mind of a leftist IDF reservist

Israeli journalist and blogger Noam Sheizaf – whom I recently met in Tel Aviv – is currently on reserve duty in the West Bank. It’s an interesting role for somebody so utterly opposed to the occupation. In his latest post, he tries to explain his thinking. Welcome to the tortured mind of the progressive Israeli:…

Life for a Palestinian in the West Bank

The Palestinian Centre for Human Rights: The Palestinian Center for Human Rights (PCHR) strongly condemns the harassment and cruel and degrading treatment inflicted upon Palestinian civilians by Israeli troops positioned at military checkpoint throughout the West Bank. PCHR field workers documents three cases of harassment against Palestinian civilians in the first three days of the…

When peace for Israelis is so easy

The New York Times today in an article that discusses the concerns felt by Israelis – yes, the poor dears have to continue occupying another people without a day’s rest – includes this telling quote: Aluf Benn, a senior journalist for the leftist newspaper Haaretz, expressed his concern last weekend in an article, saying that…

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