Forcing the Israelis to see reason

Nearly six of every 10 Israelis think Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu should resist U.S. demands to completely freeze construction in Jewish West Bank settlements, according to a new poll released Friday.

Torture in Israel

Yesh Din is a leading Israeli human rights group. A legal adviser to the organisation writes about a court case that highlights the barbarity in the occupied, West Bank: “Is slapping the heads of Palestinians allowed or not?” the prosecutor asked, and [Colonel Itai] Virob spilled the occupation’s contaminated truth: “A slap, sometimes a punch…

Listen to these people

The following advertisement appears in Haaretz on 12 June and was placed by peace group Gush Shalom: OBAMA SAYS: All building activity in the settlements must cease forthwith! OBAMA IS RIGHT! There are no legal settlements! All the settlements sit on stolen land! There is no difference between “private” Arab land and the land reserves…

Yes, we still occupy them

Thank God some Israelis are still protesting the West Bank occupation: Thousands of left-wing activists marched in Tel Aviv Saturday marking “42 years of occupation”. Protestors were chanting: “End the occupation – start living”. I guess it’s far easier to hate Arabs than actually wonder why Palestinians aren’t that fond of you.

Australian Jews have a chance

The Australian Jewish Democratic Society has just released the following petition (which I have signed): The Australian Jewish Democratic Society together with other Jewish Australians who care greatly for both the future of Israel and the legitimate national aspirations of Palestinians we strongly endorse the views recently expressed by the US President in Cairo. His…

It’s more than just swiping your plastic

Israeli peace group Gush Shalom alerts the world to the direct complicity of Mastercard in the West Bank colonial project: The holders of an Isracard and/or Mastercard credit cards in Israel have received in the past weeks an offer for a “City of David tour” with “attractions for the entire family” – an innocuous sounding…

This is the answer?

Ron Kampeas of JTA has an idea how to better sell Zionism to the world: Israel could — with some degree of success — portray the occupation as relatively benign. Look, the Palestinians have a free press (sometimes). They go to universities (sometimes). They elect their own mayors (once). Yes, those Arabs really don’t mind…

Obama hates Jews, did you hear?

Zionist fanatic Anne Bayefsky thinks Barack Obama has sold out the poor Jews: President Obama’s Cairo speech was nothing short of an earthquake — a distortion of history, an insult to the Jewish people, and an abandonment of very real human-rights victims in the Arab and Muslim worlds. It is not surprising that Arabs and…

A belief in Zionist excess

Random beatings. Excessive violence. Hatred of Palestinians. Daily life in the occupied, Palestinian territories: Two Israeli officers have testified that troops in the West Bank beat, bound and blindfolded Palestinian civilians as young as 14. The damaging disclosures by two sergeants of the Kfir Brigade include descriptions of abuses they say they witnessed during a…

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