That familiar apartheid ring

There’s another great letter in today’s Australian newspaper in response to yesterday’s smear of Israel critics: I don’t think the blame for identifiying Israel as an apartheid state can be laid exclusively at the door of the Australian “hard-left” It is only seven years since Michael Ben-Yair, a former Israeli attorney-general, wrote: “In effect, we…

Time to welcome open debate

Following yesterday’s article in the Australian newspaper by two supposed leftist academics praising Israel, my following letter appears in the paper today: Israel recent war against the Gazan people has caused many people around the world, including Jews, to reassess their support for Israel. With countless men, women and children murdered and the illegal use…

If you spend it, deal with the ramifications

Former adviser to Israeli Prime Minister Ehud Barak, Eldad Yaniv, writes a very odd column in Haaretz in the form of a letter to Obama: So use the stick on Netanyahu, but give us the carrot. Go online and learn that alleged finance guru Netanyahu dumped the state budget last week and told the treasury…

Blame those leftist extremists, please

Long-time supporters of Israel are having a tough time at the moment. War crimes were committed in Gaza during the recent war. The prospects of a two-state solution are beyond grim. Western-led tensions between Hamas and Gaza are real. The new Israeli government has no intention of seriously pushing for peace, only worsening the West…

Let the locals manage our occupation

This is what Israel and the US consider “Palestinian independence“: Last Thursday, in what was billed as his very first on-the-record address, Lt. Gen. Keith Dayton, U.S. security coordinator for Israel and the Palestinian Authority, spoke to the 2009 Soref Symposium organized by the Washington Institute for Near East Policy. WINEP, of course, is the…

Fear in the lobby

My latest column for New Matilda is about the Zionist lobby and its hopefully stunted plans for the Middle East: Public and private noises from the Obama administration have the Israel lobby spooked. Now they’re getting ready for the fight of their lives, writes Antony Loewenstein Last week in Washington 7000 delegates from America’s most…

If apartheid doesn’t move them…

Akiva Eldar writes in Haaretz that Israel may soon experience the reality of American pressure: Like a spoiled child, Israel is in no rush to willingly surrender real estate it holds and has settled for decades. (A survey by Prof. Daniel Bar-Tal and Dr. Eran Halperin found that 53 percent of Israelis consider the West…

IAJV May newsletter

The following email was sent out yesterday to Independent Australian Jewish Voices (IAJV) signatories: Dear friends, We would like to inform you of the following events: – Haneen Zoabi is the Knesset’s only female Israeli Arab MP and she arrives in Australia this week. She’ll be appearing on many mainstream news outlets and giving talks…

Fear is a good thing for Israel

Zionist neo-cons are allegedly convinced that the Obama administration no longer cares about Israel and will not help the Jewish state protect itself from the Iranian nuclear “threat”. As if. Since when was some tough love not in order? Israel is not a special country and nor should it be treated that way. This is…

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