The struggle away from the headlines

John Docker is an Australian Jew long associated with human rights. He’s also one of the founders of the Committee to Dismantle Zionism. He presented the following paper yesterday at the University of Sydney’s Centre for Peace and Conflict Studies conference, “After Israel’s attack on Gaza: How do we work for peace and justice?”. In…

Who’s really scared of listening to new voices?

The play about Jewish identity and Palestinian rights, Seven Jewish Children, premiered overseas recently to great acclaim (and the usual complaints by the Zionist lobby). It’s coming to Melbourne in a few week’s time and how does the Jewish establishment react? From today’s Age: A play that has been condemned by Jewish groups and some…

True democratic nations don’t do this

This video shows peaceful, non-violent resistance to Israeli brutality in the West Bank. For his “crimes”, Ezra Nawi may well soon go to jail for this brave act. Israeli Neve Gordon worries: People might assume that Nawi’s impending imprisonment as well as other alarming developments (like the recent arrest of New Profile and Target 21…

Just tell the Arabs to get less backwards

Israeli President Shimon Peres discusses the one-state solution with Atlantic journalist Jeffrey Goldberg. To dismiss the idea is expected, but how to ignore the ever-growing occupation? Both men achieve that mission well: JG: You hear this more and more, people talking about the one-state solution. It used to be a radical idea to suggest a…

The apples in Israel are just lovely, aren’t they?

The Australian’s Foreign Editor, Greg Sheridan, has a history of getting everything wrong about the Middle East. But he loves Israel like a fine wine, so the Zionists adore him. His latest essay in the Australian Literary Review, titled, Israel still looks good, warts and all, is yet another piece of startling inaccuracy. How’s this…

Screw the Arabs, we want to attack Iran

US Vice President Joe Biden told the AIIPAC conference: Israel has to work toward a two-state solution. You’re not going to like my saying this, but not build more settlements, dismantle existing outposts and allow the Palestinians freedom of movement. The hardline Zionist lobby in the US doesn’t seem too fussed over this demand. All…

The silence over apartheid

The Australian Jewish community may think that Israel is worth celebrating, but they conveniently ignore the realities of the West Bank occupation. Israel writer Bernard Avishai publishes a colleague’s report on Jewish extremism: Pogroms: it’s something the Jews know about. I grew up on those stories—Cossack raids on the shtetl, the torture and killings and…

The last roll of the dice is approaching

Patrick Seale, May 1: Will the Palestinians seize the slim chance of statehood offered by President Barack Obama’s pledge to work for a two-state solution of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict? Or will they throw it away because of unresolved inter-Palestinian conflicts? These unspoken questions lay behind the talks which Fatah and Hamas held in Cairo this…

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