Middle East Eye strongly reviews The Palestine Laboratory

Middle East Eye strongly reviews The Palestine Laboratory

My new book, The Palestine Laboratory, has been very positively reviewed in the UK-based outlet, Middle East Eye, by Long Road Magazine co-founder and journalist Patrick O. Strickland: As the Israeli colonisation of Palestine plods forward at a breakneck pace and its own facade of democracy trembles, Loewenstein’s book stands out as a new addition…

Israeli repressive tech invades our privacy

Israeli repressive tech invades our privacy

A key section in my new book, The Palestine Laboratory, is on the role of Israeli spyware and hacking tools. Israeli company Cellebrite is a major player and it has a large, mostly unheralded presence in Australia. Declassified Australia recently ran my investigation into the company’s role in Australia (alongside an edited book extract.) Here’s…

How Israel enforces global borders

How Israel enforces global borders

The Long Road Magazine is a great, European-based outlet reporting on borders and borderlands. I was recently interviewed by one of its co-founders, Patrick O. Strickland, about my new book, The Palestine Laboratory, with a particular focus on Israeli tech maintaining borders (in the EU and on the US/Mexico). The wonderful sketch of me, published…

The “allure” of ethno-nationalism

The “allure” of ethno-nationalism

Progressive International is a major, global organisation dedicated to justice and accountability. In its weekly magazine, The Internationalist, I’ve been interviewed about my new book, The Palestine Laboratory, where I talk about Israel’s appeal as an ethno-nationalist state. Plus there’s an exclusive, edited book extract that examines the EU’s use and abuse of Israeli drones…

Declassified Australia talk on Israeli mass surveillance

My recent conversation at the Addi Road Writer’s Festival in Sydney, Australia about my new book, The Palestine Laboratory, with my Declassified Australia friend, co-founder and co-editor, Peter Cronau. We discussed surveillance capitalism and Israel’s leading role in its global proliferation (including in Australia via the Israeli company Cellebrite, a fact explained in a book…

Electronic Intifada on the how and why of testing weapons in Palestine

My interview with Nora Barrows-Friedman at the US-based Electronic Intifada on my new book, The Palestine Laboratory, is a wide-ranging discussion on how Israel tests weapons in Palestine and explains why the Jewish state has become the 10th biggest arms dealer in the world: On episode 78, we’re joined by journalist, filmmaker and best-selling author…

The Australian Greens strengthens its policy on Israel/Palestine

The Australian Greens strengthens its policy on Israel/Palestine

My story in the Australian outlet Crikey on the Greens political party releasing an updated policy on Israel/Palestine: The Australian Greens announced a new policy on Israel and Palestine this week and it’s already causing conniptions in the pro-Israel lobby. After the party released details about its revised position, stating that Israel is “practising the…

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