What me worry, this money is sweet

War criminal Tony Blair, here in the West Bank, telling the Palestinians that they should get used to permanent occupation because he has no clue (or credibility) how to truly do anything to change their situation.

Don’t take these junkets

It’s encouaraging that the Sydney Morning Herald runs this story today, continuing the necessary push-back against free trips to Israel taken by journalists and politicians, mostly too clueless (or pleased?) to realise that such visits seem to magically end up resulting in returnees praising the wonders of democratic Israel. Have these free-loaders no back-bone? How…

Triggering a necessary clash

The Israel Lobby co-author Stephen Walt has a few helpful tips for the Obama administration in pressuring Israel to improve its behaviour. Such as: In the past, the United States has often pressed other states to upgrade their own ties with Israel.…  If pressure is needed, however, the United States could try a different tack.… …

When history should be remembered

An eminently sensible editorial from Lebanon’s Daily Star newspaper this week: The drama that unfolded during the demolition of a Palestinian house in East Jerusalem on Tuesday aptly illustrates the futility of Israel’s renewed policy of destroying the family homes of Palestinian attackers. The Israeli supreme court had ordered police to tear down part of…

Yes, the occupation matters, neo-cons

A senior former official in the Bush administrations writes in the Washington Post that Israel’s settlement project in the West Bank isn’t an impediment to peace and Obama shouldn’t pressure the Jewish state to stop it. And pigs might fly.

Come on, join the right side of history

This is something one doesn’t see every day. The former editor of the Australian Jewish News, Dan Goldberg, writes what Jews should be acknowledging this Passover: The bitter truth — hard as it may be to write, horrible as it is to admit — is that the occupation has brutalised us, corrupted our children and…

Jews are getting the image of being afraid of debate

My following article appears on the leading US blog Mondoweiss: Jeff Halper, Israeli/American peace activist, retired anthropologist and head of the Israeli Committee Against House Demolitions (ICAHD), writes in his recent book, An Israeli in Palestine, of the moment he became a “critical Israeli”: “I first became aware of being an ”˜Israeli in Palestine’ on…

Foreign Correspondents’ Association

Prominent Australian journalist and writer Antony Loewenstein was Guest Speaker at an FCA Newsmaker Luncheon in Sydney on Thursday 26 March 2009. Antony’s address focused on the ways in which most of the Western media gloss over the realities of the Israel/Palestine conflict, not least the Israeli occupation, and related topics. This was a wonderful…

Time is running out for Israel to adapt

My latest column for New Matilda is about the realities facing the incoming Israeli government: The ground is slowly shifting in international attitudes towards Israeli policies. But the longer Israel delays changing direction, the fewer options it will have, writes Antony Loewenstein As the new Israeli Government under Benyamin Netanyahu begins its tenure, a small…

Yes, Olmert loved peace

Never let facts get in the way of promoting Zionist propaganda: “I offered a deal that has never been offered by any Prime Minister in the history of the State of Israel. A deal that dealt with the heart of every problem,” outgoing Israeli Prime Minister Ehud Olmert said today at a speech at the…

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