Get Up! takes on Israel/Palestine

Get Up! is Australia’s biggest progressive organisation, modelled on US Get Up! has shied away from tackling the Israel/Palestine issue, preferring to focus on more domestic concerns. Its success in Australia is undeniable, though I know a number of members have been frustrated with its silence over the Middle East. But maybe that is…

It’s not bigotry when we say it

Why will so few Israelis and Diaspora Jews unequivocally condemn the growing tide of racist remarks and intent sweeping the Jewish state? The answer is clear; deep down, they have no real issue with the Arab minority in Israel and Palestinians in the occupied territories being treated as second-class citizens: In Non-Jews in a Jewish…

The numbers speak for themselves

60 Minutes featured last night a remarkable story about the Israel/Palestine conflict. The message? The Jewish state’s addiction to colonial expansion has made the two-state solution impossible and apartheid is coming (if not already present in the West Bank). For one of America’s leading current affairs shows to say this, something any realist has known…

“Natural growth” is wrong

The next likely Prime Minister of Israel, Benjamin Netanyahu, tells Tony Blair that the illegal settlements in the West Bank are going nowhere: I have no intention of building new settlements in the West Bank. But like all the governments there have been until now, I will have to meet the needs of natural growth…

Who are your real friends?

The collusion of the Palestinian Authority with Israel’s war and occupation will only end in tears and violence: Israel made a “big mistake” by ending Operation Cast Lead without overthrowing the Hamas regime in the Gaza Strip, a Palestinian Authority official in Ramallah said on Thursday. His remarks came as the PA security forces intensified…

It’s not illegal if Israel does it

The “rules” of the world, as told to Francis A. Boyle, Professor of Law at the University of Illinois: During the summer of 1982 I had the opportunity to visit the Nazi concentration camp just outside Dachau, Germany and then the little town itself. Given the proximity of the town to the camp, my immediate…

Israel, you’ve gone too far

My latest article for New Matilda is about Israel’s lies in Gaza: The international Jewish community is divided over the latest offensive in Gaza, writes Antony Loewenstein When the fighting eventually ends between Israel and Hamas, what will remain of the Gaza Strip and its people? One local Zionist leader will have us believe that…

How to look like you’re ethical

In my recent essay in Overland magazine, The Resource Wars, I argued, among many other things, that the Jewish state was allowed to commit war crimes by much of the West because of the Holocaust, the Zionist lobby and racism towards Arabs. In this week’s Australian Jewish News, regular columnist Michael Visontay, senior editor in…

The days of the blank cheque coming to an end?

Aaron David Miller has been an adviser for Democratic and Republication administrations. He offers some necessary pointers to Barack Obama: In 25 years of working on this issue for six secretaries of state, I can’t recall one meeting where we had a serious discussion with an Israeli prime minister about the damage that settlement activity—including…

The colonial cancer

Is Britain starting to grow a backbone against Zionist intimidation? Britain’s envoy to the Middle East on Monday said the United Kingdom would continue its fight against West Bank settlements, but would not mount a broader divestment campaign. “This isn’t about boycotting Israel. The settlements are not Israel,” said Bill Rammell. He made the comments…

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