Illegality hits home

The British government is stepping up measures against settlements in the West Bank in an effort to stop their further expansion. British Prime Minister Gordon Brown recently instructed the Foreign Office to issue a warning to British citizens against the purchase of houses and real estate in the settlements.

How to be an ethical person

Shministim are Israeli high school students who have been imprisoned for refusing to serve in an army that occupies the Palestinian Territories. They deserve our support for challenging the immorality of the Jewish state:

The delicate Zionist touch

One of Israel’s finest journalists, Amira Hass, on Israel’s shocking policies towards Gaza and the Hamas effect: The first thing that captures your eyes, after two years away, is a visual quiet. Gone are the flags of every color (including green) that once flew everywhere; the billboards commemorating shaheeds with their weapons, new ones popping…

When fascism came knocking

Following last week’s forced evacuation from Hebron of fundamentalist Zionist settlers – a necessary act, not least to give the impression that Judeo-Nazis are not beyond the law and threaten the very lives of moderate Israelis and Palestinians – we’re now expected to feel sorry for these thugs: We are dealing with the extreme Left…

The reality of a lawless land

Just 6 percent of the 1,246 investigations opened by the military police regarding offenses against Palestinians and Palestinian property in the territories during the first seven years of the second intifada have led to indictments, according to a report to be released today by the human rights organization Yesh Din.

How much longer to wait?

An encouraging sign, from the International Herald Tribune’s Roger Cohen, that the Jewish state is dealing itself out of a viable future: Imagine Ehud Olmert, the outgoing Israeli prime minister, saying this to Barack… Obama: “The United States has been wrong to write Israel a blank check every year; wrong to turn a blind eye to…

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