The modern descendants of Hitler

Settler Nazis continue to cause chaos (and the global Jewish Diaspora remains silent): Israeli settlers attacked Palestinian ambulances in the West Bank village of Dier Esteyah on Wednesday, according to witnesses. Red Crescent ambulances were parked in the northern West Bank city of Nablus on Wednesday when settlers wrote provocative slogans, such as “Death to…

Shifting sands of Israel/Palestine

My following talk was presented today to a full room at Harvard University: Harvard University’s Kennedy School of Government/Centre for Middle Eastern Studies ME Forum, 24 November 2008 The Shifting Sands of the Palestinian-Israeli Conflict: An Australian Perspective Antony Loewenstein Australian Labor Prime Minister Kevin Rudd, speaking in March this year at a United Israel…

Spreading the word in the US

After years of talking in Australia and overseas about the Israel/Palestine conflict and internet repression, I’m about to commence a US… speaking tour. My first presentation early next week, at Harvard University’s Kennedy School of Government/Centre for Middle Eastern Studies, is on “The Shifting Sands of the Palestinian-Israeli Conflict: An Australian Perspective“: A critical examination of…

When a voice is so important

Gideon Levy, writing in Haaretz, perfectly skewers the profound failures of the Israeli left: The Israeli peace camp was born in sin and died because of a lie: It was born as the legitimate son of the sin of occupation, and died the illegitimate son of the lie that “there is no partner” with whom…

How to show solidarity with good Jews

A Jewish peace activist, writing for the US-based Jewish Voice for Peace, recalls a comical yet tragic encounter: Several weeks ago, while on a solidarity visit with Ta’ayush in the South Hebron hills region of the West Bank, we were stopped by a makeshift Israeli Army roadblock and told that we could not pass into…

We stand up for all human rights, not just Jews

Independent Jewish Voices (IJV) recently released a collection of essays by Jewish dissenters. My chapter, as the co-founder of Independent Australian Jewish Voices (IAJV), is about the situation in Australia and the growth of public anger towards Israel’s war crimes in the occupied territories. The book, A Time to Speak Out, launched in London and…

The end of Israel as a Jewish state?

My following article appears in today’s ABC Unleashed: The vast majority of Israeli citizens oppose the settler movement. Despite this, the colonialists recently launched a campaign to lure Israelis to visit the West Bank, the Jewish Forward newspaper reported. “Some 1,000 billboards have gone up across the country, showing photographs of cherubic settler children dressed…

Jewish hatred for all to see

Gideon Levy, Haaretz, October 26: My settler colleague, Israel Harel, his community’s champion at rolling his eyes, playing innocent and speaking with a honeyed tongue, is once again grieving and playing the victim. In a column published here last week (“Have we become Sodom?” October 23), he complained that the reason for what he termed…

The Jewish gift to the world

Palestinian human rights have been abused throughout 40 years of Israeli occupation, according to the UN General Assembly’s special rapporteur on human rights in the Palestinian Occupied Territories. In a report to the UN General Assembly in New York, Richard Falk said Israel’s occupation – of East Jerusalem, the West Bank and, until 2005, the…

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