True words, but…

Israeli Prime Minister Ehud Olmert: “Greater Israel is over. There is no such thing. Anyone who talks that way is deluding themselves. During Camp David I thought that [then prime minister] Ehud Barak’s concessions were too much, and I told him as much. I thought that land from the Jordan River through to the sea…

When peace is never achievable

Middle East Report editorial, Fall 2008: It’s easy to forget, but the United States has a pressing year-end deadline to meet in Israel-Palestine as well as in Iraq. At Annapolis in November 2007, President George W. Bush, Israeli Prime Minister Ehud Olmert and Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas pledged to “make every effort” to hammer out…

Our ideal stooge

Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas tells Haaretz about his position on the right of return: There are today five million Palestinian refugees whose forefathers were expelled from the area of Israel, not from the West Bank and Gaza. We understand that if we demand of you that all five million return to Israel, the State of…

Time to honestly debate Israel/Palestine

My following post was written for Khaldoun, the blog recently started by Macquarie University’s Centre for Middle East and North African Studies, where I’m a board member: Robustly debating Zionism has existed for as long as its existence. Jews, historically a persecuted people, were unafraid to discuss the merits or otherwise of the plan to…

How many years to go?

Israel, the coloniser: More than 2,600 housing units are under construction in West Bank settlements, including units in more than 1,000 new buildings, Peace Now contends in its semi-annual report. Basing its conclusions on aerial photographs and field visits, the organization says that slightly more than half of the new structures are going up east…

Checkpoint Zero

Despite the extensive coverage of the Middle East in the media, there is little understanding of the realities of the Israel/Palestine conflict. For example, does the average person realise that Israel illegally occupies Palestinian land? In this sixtieth anniversary of the Jewish state’s birth, it’s more timely than ever to publicly discuss what is going…

Zionists don’t get serious (as usual)

As if the Palestinians had any other choice: Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas on Tuesday rejected an Israeli peace proposal, which included withdrawal from 93 percent of the West Bank, because it does not provide for a contiguous Palestinian state with Jerusalem as its capital. Nabil Abu Rdainah, Abbas’s spokesman, told the official Palestinian news agency…

Vote 1: militant Zionism

My latest New Matilda column is about the political realities in Israel and Palestine: Antony Loewenstein looks behind the pre-election rhetoric in Israel and says the lack of a real difference between the front-runners means deeper trouble ahead for both Israel and Palestine Israel is currently in political limbo. Prime Minister Ehud Olmert’s leadership of…

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