Remember all the Western journalists praising Fayyad in the West Bank?

It was an illusion, built on seemingly endless Western aid and no plan to end the Zionist occupation on Palestinian land: For years, Fayyad’s soft talk and cheery dedication enabled policymakers throughout the world to ignore the brewing crisis. And this may be where Fayyad, despite his impressive management skills, did Palestinians a disservice. In…

Imagine if Palestinians admitted to killing Israelis

It would be front page news globally. But instead, this story will inevitably disappear down the memory hole: Undercover Israeli intelligence officers appeared on national television Saturday to talk about assassinating Palestinians in a program broadcast on Israel’s Channel 10. Oren Beaton presented a photo album of Palestinians he killed during his time as a…

How can we get young Jews to hate Arabs in only 10 days?

Send them on the Birthright trip. Here’s an interesting feature in the Nation on the countless number of Jews who are sent on a short propaganda trip to Israel in an attempt to convince them that Arabs are terrorists and the occupied Palestinian territories are in fact Zionist land: Birthright’s boosters seem strangely unaware of…

Palestine rises while Israel lobby grumbles into its beer

While the Australian Zionist lobby continues to attack anybody who dares challenge the Israeli government (or settlements, or the siege on Gaza or Zionism in general) – AIJAC slams me for my recent appearances at the Sydney Writer’s Festival; yes, I dared talk about not believing in a racially discriminatory Jewish state – the Economist…

Palestine’s Gandhi: Omar Barghouti, BDS and international law

My following article is published today in Overland journal and was co-written with John Docker and Ned Curthoys: First they ignore you, then they laugh at you, then they fight you, then you win. – Mahatma Gandhi Israel is creating a kind of moral schizophrenia in world Jewry. In the outside world, the welfare of…

Haaretz editorial calls for true freedom of movement for Palestinians

Bravo: Egypt’s decision to open the Rafah crossing to people raised great apprehension in Israel, as expected. The immediate concern is that the opening of the crossing between the Gaza Strip and Egypt will allow Hamas and other groups to bring in an unlimited supply of weapons. Ostensibly, that’s a persuasive claim, though four years…

Obama’s Middle East words as empty as air

My latest article for New Matilda appears today: The US President is delivering sterner speeches on the Israel Palestine conflict but until he bolsters his rhetoric with action, it’s hard to see how progress can be made, writes Antony Loewenstein Forget about what he actually said. Imagine if US President Barack Obama said something like…

The Zionist obsession with occupation

Israeli peace group Peace Now explains the addiction of colonies experienced by the Zionist state: On the 26th of September 2010, the 10 months settlement moratorium came to an end. Since then, the settlers have managed to “catch up” with the construction freeze and erase its effect, starting construction of some 2,000 housing units in…

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