BDS keeps seeping into the US (while Israel fiddles with settlers)

This will only increase in frequency while the Zionist state continues to occupy Palestinian land. And how many young American Jews look at Israel and like what they see? Less every day: On Friday night [in Washington], a favorite cafe among progressives, Busboys and Poets, gathered letters to Gazans; the next aid flotilla in May…

Marrickville madness over BDS but Palestine rights aren’t forgotten

I was present at last night’s Marrickville council meeting over BDS. It was a circus. Hundreds of people attended. Protesters, Zionists, students, unionists, Palestinians, Arabs, citizens. Countless numbers of people couldn’t fit into the council chambers (luckily I was inside for proceedings). In the end, the BDS didn’t succeed but in many ways this wasn’t…

Australian media incapable of hearing Palestinians

How to define farce? The Australian media’s coverage of Israel/Palestine and BDS. Palestinians and Arabs remain largely absent from discussion, lest they infect people’s minds. Instead, today we have a litany of articles that say nothing about the Middle East apart from craven white people desperate to pray at the altar of Zionist “democracy”. The…

Tell me Zionists; which Jews are acceptable for you?

The illusion is coming apart; the idea that Jews in general love and back Israel, no matter what. Jewish Voice for Peace is a US-based progressive, Jewish group aiming to expand debate on Israel/Palestine. Of course the usual suspects don’t like it one bit. For them, Israel is beyond debate and the glorious occupation and…

Where are the Arab voices in Aussie BDS debate?

My following story appears in today’s edition of Crikey: A few weeks after the start of the Iraq war in 2003, I talked to a senior editor at The Sydney Morning Herald and asked her why there were basically no Iraqi voices in the paper, either for or against the conflict. “I never thought of…

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