Australia’s Labor party has no principles over Middle East

Following my story in yesterday’s Crikey about Sydney’s Marrickville council embracing BDS against Israel and the role of Federal Labor Minister Anthony Albanese, this appears in today’s Crikey: What is Anthony Albanese’s position on the Palestinian issue? Albo in opposition went on a PLO-funded “study tour” of the West Bank and Gaza with Ali Kazak,…

US Jewish mainstream start looking favourably at anti-settlements BDS

Times are changing, Jewish neo-cons are furious and the long overdue conversation inside the American Jewish community is happening; do they back illegal colonies in the West Bank and if not what are they going to do about it? As the Jewish community struggles to combat efforts to delegitimize Israel and still retain a “big-tent”…

Australian Greens candidate faces abuse and lies over backing Israel sanction

My following story appears in today’s edition of Crikey: Soon after Sydney’s Marrickville council announced in December to embrace boycott, divestment and sanctions (BDS) against Israel to force the Jewish state to abide by international law”‰—”‰…  Greens and Labor councillors supported the move”‰—”‰federal Labor frontbencher Anthony Albanese entered the debate. In a news story in…

Who says BDS isn’t working against Israel?

Example one: The Israeli security firm Hashmira, which is owned by the Danish concern G4S, announced last weekend it will stop providing equipment to security installations over the Green Line. The move comes in the wake of public pressure in Denmark following a report from the Coalition of Women for Peace, which runs the “Who…

Channel 10 TV on playing global football in Palestine

This happened: The Palestinian national soccer team faced Thailand on Wednesday in an Olympic qualifying match deep in symbolism: It’s the first time the Palestinians have hosted a competitive match at the international level, and for excited fans in this conflict-ridden area, it marks an important step in their struggle for independence. Following a 1-0…

If only Israeli state really cared about stopping terrorism

The recent murder of Jewish settlers in the West Bank was an appalling act of terrorism. No ifs or buts. But watch the debased response of the Zionist state to this outrage. Haaretz editorial: The despicable murder of five members of the Fogel family on Saturday is a crime against every human being. But the…

Neo-Nazis love Zionist treatment of Muslims

Who are really the most strident backers of Israel these days? Christian fundamentalists and far-right bigots. More than 60 years after the Holocaust, Nazis take comfort in the Zionist state. Tragic and yet utterly logical. Newsweek reports: To the casual observer, the visiting Europeans at Yad Vashem, Israel’s Holocaust memorial in the hills above Jerusalem,…

Jews who understand why BDS must force Israel to be legal and decent

The International Jewish Anti-Zionist Network has released the following statement (that I’ve happily signed) articulating an alternative and supportive Jewish perspective on boycott, divestment and sanctions against Israel: Because academic, cultural and commercial boycotts, divestments and sanctions of Israel: are being called for by Palestinian civil society in response to the occupation and colonization of…

Obama very happy to change little in the Middle East

The New York Times clarifies what the Obama administration is really thinking about the Arab world. “Pragmatism” is the key word. In other words, backing autocrats who do the dirty work of Israel and America. Anybody still in love with the supposedly grand visions of Barack Obama? In the Middle East crisis, as on other…

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