Israel doesn’t believe in Egyptian democracy

My following article appears in today’s edition of Crikey: While the Egyptian masses are uprising in unprecedented ways across the country against a Western-backed dictator, Israel fears the worst. The country’s President Shimon Peres said last week that, “no matter what they say, we owe Mubarak true gratitude for being as steadfast as a rock…

Israelis enjoying themselves shows the importance of BDS

Here’s a tip for the Israelis who made this almost comical anti-BDS video. Featuring people having fun in Israel utterly misses the point. Increasing numbers of people globally are boycotting Israel for this very reason; fun-loving Israelis are loving life while Palestinians are brutalised down the road in the West Bank and Gaza under Israeli…

Better PR won’t help Israel and nor should it

This newly released video, for a campaign called Take Back Zionism, will do nothing for Israel’s image: When will these people learn? You won’t be taken seriously until you address the occupation of the West Bank and Gaza, fundamentalist rabbis and settlers and discrimination against Israeli Arabs. Featuring pretty young things in the US is…

Jews don’t have a monopoly on victimhood?

Reading some in the Israeli press, you would think the Egyptian uprisings are all about Israel and maintaining its fiction of “democracy” in the Middle East. In other words, democracy for Jews but hell for Arabs. Bradley Burston in Haaretz outlines the well-worn Zionist lines (repeated ad nauseum by the Zionist lobby and many Jews…

West Bank and Gaza Arabs likely to march in numbers, too?

Amira Hass in Haaretz says it’s highly unlikely because Palestinians are exhausted and both live in police states. They wonder; what would it really gain? On Thursday, January 20, a group of young people wanted to demonstrate their support for the Tunisians. As is customary nowadays, they organized themselves using Facebook and e-mail. And in…

What foreign writers should not be doing in the Zionist state

The kind of moral pressure that is clearly needed: As Israeli citizens who support the boycott, divestment and sanctions call on Israel, we believe that if Ian McEwan accepts the Jerusalem prize next month in Jerusalem (Letters, 26 January), it will make him a collaborator with Israel‘s worst human rights offenders and its “business as…

Fatah, US and Israel all conspire to kill independence

It just gets worse and worse. But really, what can be expected when one side of a conflict is funded, armed and backed by the occupier? One: British intelligence helped draw up a secret plan for a wide-ranging crackdown on the Islamist movement Hamas which became a security blueprint for the Palestinian Authority, leaked documents…

London missed Palestine Papers explosion

Hello delusion, my name is Britain: Foreign Secretary William Hague welcomed Israeli Foreign Minister Avigdor Lieberman at the start of his three-day visit to the UK. They met for an hour at the Foreign Office. Afterwards the Foreign Secretary gave Foreign Minister Lieberman a tour of the Cabinet War Rooms. The Foreign Secretary stressed the…

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