Israel should fear global opinion realising how it occupies

This Associated Press story makes it to the Washington Post, a significant development in the rising global profile and impact of BDS. Israel can claim to be the victim as much as it wants; increasing numbers of people know how it treats the Palestinians: There is a budding movement by foreign investors and activists to…

The greatest irony of Western policy

My following article appears today on the wonderful literary journal Overland’s website during its Subscriberthon: After the US mid-term elections, President Barack Obama is severely weakened by the rise of the Republicans. His unwillingness or inability to pursue true justice and peace in the Middle East will only be worsened. Indeed, GOP House Majority Leader…

Private sector muscles its way into managing Zionist occupation

Great letter from the UK Guardian on 20 November: So Israel vows to keep building homes in illegally occupied East Jerusalem (Report, 19 November). Today the British security corporation G4S and the French company Veolia, which collects waste for UK local authorities and universities, will stand accused of complicity in Israeli human rights violations. Israeli…

Settlers tell Arabs where to go

Zionist democracy in action: Springwater continues to be vital to Palestinian farmers, but recently, at the settlers’ initiative, many springs on the other side of the Green Line have been turned into tourism sites from which the Palestinians are barred. Hebrew-language signs have been posted near many springs; some places have become memorial sites for…

Documentary evidence of Israeli intransigence (and the world shrugs)

This Australian mini-documentary on the West Bank city of Hebron first screened in 1996. Nothing has changed since except life for Palestinians has worsened. Rampant, Zionist racism has increased, the IDF continues to protect the handful of settlers and a few brave souls campaign against this outrage. Don’t tell me that Israel is serious about…

Bibi laughs at Obama and he still asks for more

This is what it’s come to. American desperation, Zionist arrogance and absolutely nothing towards peace: National Security Adviser Uzi Arad said Saturday in an interview with Channel 2 that an interim agreement with the Palestinians cannot be ruled out. “It is unclear whether we have a partner for a permanent agreement,” said Arad, who accompanied…

There is nothing humane about thinking to embrace settlements

What a false choice. True humanists don’t need to worry about “delegitimising” Israel because anything to do with the colonies is doing that for them. By not totally opposing the occupation is only leading to the Jewish state’s demise: Residents of the arid West Bank town of Ariel got a taste last week of Paris.…

How many checkpoints can one country handle?

Apartheid is a complex business to manage: Though a Defense Ministry unit was set up five years ago to oversee checkpoints between Israel and the West Bank, these checkpoints are still run by no fewer than six different agencies, and no single body coordinates their work, Haaretz has found. The agencies running the checkpoints include…

John and Julie in Alaska are paying for Israeli apartheid

What Israeli “democracy” is all about, funded by the US taxpayer: Travelers along the “original” West Bank roads, the ones enabling drivers to bypass Palestinian villages, can see signs declaring “USAID from the American People.” The roads are one of the initiatives of the United States Agency for International Development for building infrastructure in underdeveloped…

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