It’s illegal to even protest illegal Jewish colonies

The Magnes Zionist writes about yet another Israeli jailing of a “Palestinian Gandhi“. Protesting the occupation in the West Bank is illegal in the wonderful democracy known as the Jewish state: So what were the charges against Abdallah Abu Rahmah, the internationally-known organizer of the Bil’in protest, that stuck? Exonerated of stone-throwing and weapons possession…

BDS goes more and more mainstream

While the upcoming “talks” between Israel and the Palestinians are already destined for failure, the Boston Globe reports on a far more positive development that alleges the complete failure of American-led “peace” efforts: In May, rock legend Elvis Costello canceled his gig in Israel. Then, in June, a group of unionized dock workers in San…

Obama’s “peace talks” will lead to disaster

How desperate is the Obama administration for an historic handshake on the White House lawn between Israel, the Palestinians and the Americans to seal a “two-state solution”? This is a sham designed to ignore the multiple elephants in the room. It will be opposed by many, including me, until the right of return, shared Jerusalem,…

Which Western hacks want free propaganda trips to Zionist central?

Remember these details when prominent commentators are given plush trips to Israel, conveniently avoiding the real West Bank occupation and Gaza (and not having the tenacity to go there themselves): The Foreign Ministry plans to target leading social media figures as part of a new public relations campaign. The ministry will soon launch the NIS…

Who wants to love Israel more? Hands up?

The shallow nature of debate over Israel/Palestine in Australia: Labor has hit out at claims that the Coalition will always back Israel in sensitive votes at the United Nations. Seizing on reports that Liberal deputy leader Julie Bishop told a Jewish community forum in Melbourne last month an Abbott government would always vote against UN…

Complete Labor MP Julia Irwin’s views on the Middle East

Following my article in yesterday’s Crikey about departing ALP MP Julia Irwin speaking honestly about Israel/Palestine – check the comments on the original piece that shows the massive interest in these rare statements – please find below the complete transcript of the interview with Irwin: ALP Policy: While some of my former colleagues may disagree,…

How much are some Zionists getting paid to promote Israel?

Former New York Times correspondent Chris Hedges gave these remarks Thursday night in New York City at a fundraiser for sponsoring a US boat to break the blockade of Gaza: When I lived in Jerusalem I had a friend who confided in me that as a college student in the United States she attended events…

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