Taking the measure of the heat in Gaza

My following book review appeared in Saturday’s Melbourne Age: Gaza: Morality, Law and Politics Edited by Raimond Gaita University of Western Australia Publishing, $29.95 Raimond Gaita’s collection tries to analyse a contentious conflict, writes Antony Loewenstein. MONTHS after the release of the UN-backed Goldstone report that found alleged war crimes by both Israel and Hamas…

Israelis who reject their government’s plans

Sometimes, an event happens that provides a wonderful counter-point to the grinding Zionist project. Individuals or groups who refuse to be co-opted to support occupation and colonisation. Israeli blog Promised Blog reports on an advertisement that appeared in Friday’s Haaretz: WE DO NOT OBEY. Women in the footsteps of Ilana Hammerman: not obeying illegal and…

Radio New Zealand Media Watch interview on Middle East reporting

The issue of media bias in Middle East reporting is something that obsesses the Zionist lobby. Hearing any Palestinians is a problem. This edition of Radio New Zealand’s Media Watch, featuring my interview on the subject, examines the ways in which this area is hotly debated and why more reporters should be based in the…

A few easy steps to buy products from West Bank colonies

This is the face of modern Zionism. A Rabbi looking to help those poor souls in Israel. Help! One of Brooklyn Heights’s most-influential Jewish leaders fought back against an anti-Israel rally last Friday by doing what influential rabbis do in such situations: he bought cosmetics. Rabbi Aaron Raskin of Congregation B’nai Avraham picked up some…

The Greens may like the Palestinians just a little too much

The Australian Zionist lobby AIJAC are worried that the Greens, likely to poll very well in the upcoming election, aren’t sufficiently pro-Israel. Opposing the West Bank settlements is supposedly a bridge too far for Zionists who talk about a “two-state solution” but in reality believe in ongoing colonisation.

Australian Zionist head wants West Bank settlements to thrive

So this is how it is. A senior Jewish leader in Australia defending the illegal colonies in the West Bank. For shame: The elected leader of Australian Jewry blasted his Christian counterpart over an “ill-considered” resolution asking churches to boycott goods produced by West Bank Jews. Executive Council of Australian Jewry President Robert Goot, in…

Return To Gaza documentary

This is a documentary that is finally finished and soon to be screened in Australia and globally. I was interviewed a number of years ago and remain pleased it’ll see the light of see. The Palestinian story told in the first person: ‘Return To Gaza’ is a personal insight into the Middle East Conflict through…

Aslan says 2-state solution is dead, and Indyk calls him a liar

My following article is published today on US website Mondoweiss: “The future of relations with the Muslim world” was the UN-sponsored event hosted at the New York Times building in central Manhattan on 21 July. Filled with journalists from Egypt, China and Turkey and the foreign policy establishment, roughly 150 people came to hear Roger…

West Bank and Gaza separated by more than space

While American neo-cons (many of them Jewish) continue to push for a military strike against Iran and Israeli “democracy” decreases by the day – witness the story of a key Jewish dissident, Yonatan Shapira, being interrogated by Israeli intelligence for daring to support BDS. Hilariously, he’s asked to feel sorry for soldiers maintaining the West…

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