Hardline Zionists want one Jewish state, so read on

Fantastic freelance Israeli journalist Noam Sheizaf examines in Haaretz the rise in the concept of a one-state solution amongst the settler Right: It’s still not a full-fledged political camp and there are still holes in the theory. But although its advocates do not seem to be working together, the plans they put forward are remarkably…

How to trick Washington in one easy move

Just in case any readers think that Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanayahu is serious about peace, doesn’t love the settlements and believes America isn’t easily fooled. Read on (from a talk he gave to settlers in 2001).

The importance of the right of return

I just signed the following recent statement written by Al-Awda, the US-based Palestine Right to Return Coalition: In the year and a half since Israel’s massacres in Gaza, the Palestine solidarity movement, for fifteen years weakened by the two-state “Peace Roadmap” of the 1993 Oslo Accords, has gone through what can only be described as…

Israel should not wonder why few people love her

A wonderful column by Larry Derfner in the belly of the Zionist beast, the Jerusalem Post: Given the way Israel behaves now, it’s pretty sad to remember that it was envisioned as a country where the Jews ran their own national affairs – but nobody else’s. Now it’s not enough for Israel to have its…

The US Israel lobby assist in the colonisation process

Just in case readers weren’t clear on the relationship between the American Zionist lobby and the West Bank occupation (thanks to an Israeli journalist for explaining): The West Bank construction freeze of all things should not be a problem: Firstly, because there was really never a full freeze, even for a moment. Secondly, because it’s…

The dancing storm-troopers

What planet do these Israelis live on? Occupation soldiers are dancing in the streets of an apartheid town and we should celebrate? It has been a while since we felt the kind of joy we experienced when we saw the six Nahal Brigade soldiers dancing in Hebron’s streets. If I were a Foreign Ministry official,…

New York Times happy to publish call for ethnic cleansing

Following the extensive New York Times feature on American companies getting tax deductions for building settlements in the West Bank, one letter writer in the paper is upset: To the Editor: Some questions: Why should it be controversial for tax-exempt charities to aid people who live in disputed territory? Why is it that Jews living…

What Israeli soldiers are told about fighting Arabs

Breaking the Silence is an Israeli group made up of former soldiers who detail the horrendous acts in the West Bank under occupation. One of the founders, Yehuda Shaul, 27, tells Haaretz that the IDF rarely has any intention of seriously investigating itself: What’s really disturbing about Operation Cast Lead is not the ordinary soldiers.…

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