Obama soon to put serious pressure on Israel (let’s wait and see)

Oh my: The lifting of the blockade on the Gaza Strip and permission for Palestinians to leave the Gaza Strip freely through Israeli border crossings. These are the unequivocal demands that President Barack Obama is expected to make during his meeting with Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu in the White House in two weeks. If anyone…

Looking in vain for a brave parliamentarian who calls things as they are

Another wonderful speech by departing Australian Labor MP Julia Irwin (here are some recent comments) given on 23 June. A rare voice of honesty in the Australian parliament: (Fowler) (9.39 am)—The development of Israeli settlements in the West Bank continues unabated. With the world occupied in getting the parties to the negotiating table, the reality…

Jews in North Carolina say no to Israeli occupation

Jews for a Just Peace-NC set up a “Palestinian house demolition” tableau in front of the Durham Performing Arts Center to protest an American Dance Festival performance by the Israel-based Inbal Pinto & Avshalom Pollak Dance Company on June 17, 2010. The protesters exposed the fact that Israel’s cultural exports have become a tool to…

Leading IDF lawyer explains how Israel justifies its action

My following article appears in today’s Crikey: On Tuesday lunchtime the Australian Human Rights Centre and the UNSW International Law and Policy Group (with assistance from the Israeli embassy) hosted a seminar on “The Fight against Terror: Practical Dilemmas in applying the Laws of War.” The two speakers were Professor Abraham Bell of Israel’s Bar-Ilan…

Finding some way to maintain the illusion of moving towards Jewish democracy

While the EU continues to back Israeli policies – ignore the mild rebukes over Gaza, this is close to business as usual – the Israeli rich are thriving, certainly helped by the recent acceptance into the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development. What occupation? What growing intolerance of minorities? Liberal Zionists in Israel are still…

Colonies feel some economic pain

It’s working, slowly but surely: The cover story of this morning’s (June 21 2010) Maariv business section reports that targeted boycott and divestment actions — Israeli, Palestinian and international — are pushing an increasing number of Israeli companies out of the West Bank settlements and into Israeli proper:

Who would like to condemn the racism of Geert Wilders?

Hands up the people who have heard many supposedly mainstream Jews calling Jordan the real Palestinian state? I have and this shameful attempt to essentially ignore the millions of Palestinians under occupation in the West Bank and Gaza is sadly common amongst Muslim-hating Zionists. The Zionist right and far-right European politicians who loathe Islam are…

Flotilla anger threatens to sink Jewish state

That’s a headline in today’s Murdoch Australian that indicates a growing fear within the Zionist community. The piece by Abraham Rabinovich is remarkably measured (mostly, anyway) and includes this: The explosion of anger [after the flotilla massacre] is unlikely to have been touched off by a transient episode such as the interdiction of the flotilla.…

Don’t show them anything their government does

Most Israelis have no idea about life in the West Bank; the casual brutality and the grinding occupation. The point is that most don’t want to know. Do they care about this? On Monday, June 21, I am to appear before the Knesset Education Committee and the Minister of Education, Mr. Gideon Saar, following my…

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