It’s like Israel wants to be loathed internationally

Yesterday’s editorial in Haaretz: The intelligence failure and faulty planning in last week’s operation to board the Mavi Marmara led to a crisis in Israel’s foreign relations in the blink of an eye and a low in its standing in world public opinion. The international community is demanding an investigation into the incident and is…

The desperate need to recognise failure in the Middle East

The following letters appear in today’s Sydney Morning Herald: Peter Wertheim (Letters, June 4) is right to say the Geneva Conventions are ”an expression of customary international law and are universally applicable”. The whole civilised world agrees, except the Israeli Supreme Court, which said they did not apply to the occupied Palestinians because without a…

When tribalism meets a land grab, stand back

Salon’s Glenn Greenwald: Thus, nuclear-armed Israel is bullied and victimized by starving Gazans with stones. …  The… Israel Navy is threatened by a flotilla filled with wheelchairs and medicine. … And the greatest superpower the Earth has ever known faces a grave and existential threat from a handful of religious fanatics hiding in caves. … An American condemnation…

West complicit in Israeli terror and oppression

My following article appears in today’s New Zealand Herald: The day after the Australian Government announced it was expelling an Israeli diplomat over the forging of its passports in the assassination of a Hamas official in Dubai, the Murdoch press was incensed. The Australian’s foreign editor, Greg Sheridan, last week condemned Kevin Rudd’s “over-reaction” to…

Israel’s choice is clear

My following article appears in today in New Matilda: The deadly attack by Israeli forces on the Gaza relief ships has provoked global outrage, writes Antony Loewenstein. Has Israel bitten off more than it can chew this time? Within hours of Israel’s storming of the Gaza flotilla yesterday in international waters, Haaretz columnist Bradley Burston…

Zionist colonists smear Gaza flotilla

Fundamentalist Jewish settlers in the West Bank and Israel, from the group Women in Green, just sent out this statement to show how much they love the IDF (unless, of course, these soldiers ever remove illegal colonies): The People of Israel are united in their support of the IDF’s necessary action to stop the provocation…

Cause and effect in the Middle East

While Israel stands accused of actions like these: An international children’s rights charity has said it has evidence that Palestinian children held in Israeli custody have been subjected to sexual abuse in an effort to extract… confessions from them. The Geneva-based Defence for Children International (DCI)… has collected 100 sworn affadavits from Palestinian children who said they…

Deutsche Bank takes a stand over Israeli apartheid

What happens when Israel believes it can simply continue occupying Palestinian land. And note the welcome bravery of a German company who can reasonably expect a massive guilt trip over the Holocaust: Following pressure from critics, Germany’s largest bank has divested from the Israeli firm that supplies technology for the West Bank security fence. Deutsche…

Israel and apartheid South Africa were the best of friends

My following article appears in today’s Canberra Times newspaper: The headline in the Israeli daily newspaper Haaretz this week was striking: ”Who says Jews and racism don’t go together?” Columnist Akiva Eldar discussed the revelations in a new book by a senior editor at Foreign Policy magazine that details the extensive relationship between apartheid South…

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