The Stalinist state known as Israel: Chomsky

More on Noam Chomsky’s barring from entering the West Bank by “democratic” Israel (a move supported by an Israeli politician of the supposedly centrist Kadima party but opposed by a leading columnist): In a telephone conversation last night from Amman, Chomsky told Haaretz that he concluded from the questions of the Israeli official that the…

How slamming Goldstone does nothing for Palestinian rights

A stirring call from Hagai El-Ad, executive director of the Association for Civil Rights in Israel. Civility and reason exists in Israel; just don’t expect the mainstream to agree: What will they come up with next? The campaign to discredit Judge Richard Goldstone, his fact-finding commission and the report that now bears his name seems…

Chomsky barred from entering Israeli occupied West Bank (because of his views)

Zionist democracy in action: Noam Chomsky, a renowned Jewish-American scholar and political activist, has been barred from entering the West Bank. Chomsky was denied entry by Israeli immigration officials as he attempted to cross the Allenby Bridge from Jordan on Sunday. The lingusitics professor, who frequently speaks out against Israeli policy in the occupied Palestinian…

One more way of isolating illegal Zionist colonies in the West Bank

This Washington Post piece is filled with the usual “he said/she said” conventions of corporate journalism, but it’s an important story nonetheless, highlighting the failing moral claims of Israel’s occupation and some Palestinians figthing against it. But let’s not be under any illusion about the involvement of the Palestinian Authority, a corrupt and useless body…

Overland branded biased by Jewish academics

My following article appears in today’s edition of Crikey: Overland is a quarterly publication published in Melbourne since 1954 and aims to give, in the words of…  editor Jeff Sparrow, “space for radicals and liberals”. Over the past few years a handful of articles have appeared written by Jews (including me, principally on peak oil)…

CNN shows Palestinians as human beings

The kind of story that all-too-rarely appears in the Western press, humanising Palestinians as not just terrorists. And dying to leave, albeit briefly, their West Bank prison. Well done, CNN:

Interview with the New Zealand Listener

New Zealand’s Listener magazine is that country’s only national current affairs magazine. I am interviewed in the latest edition, in preparation for my upcoming appearance at the Auckland Writer’s Festival and a national tour, on speaking truths over Israel/Palestine, West Bank and Gaza occupation, the role of journalism and shit-stirring: Loewenstein Listener May 15 (PDF)

Even Israel’s High Court is in on the game

An Haaretz editorial about the ways in which the IDF likes to find ways to isolate Palestinians. It’s in their DNA, you see: In less than three weeks, the portion of Route 443 that runs through the West Bank is due to open to Palestinian traffic. That’s what the High Court of Justice ordered, but…

The Israeli elite knows apartheid is biting

Israel’s Defence Minister Ehud Barak on Sunday: Without an agreement we will be subject to international isolation and we will suffer a fate similar to that of Belfast or Bosnia, or a gradual transition from a paradigm of two states for two peoples to one of one state for two peoples. Some people will try…

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