Throwing Palestinians out of their homes

And the removals begin: De facto government officials refused to accept a Gaza man into the Strip following his deportation from Israel on Thursday, security sources said, heightening tensions around a new military law expanding the definition of an “infiltrator.” The man, 36-year-old Saber Al-Beyari, had been granted a temporary residence permit 15 years earlier…

Israel deeply hates the occupation so continues to expand it

So what is Israel waiting for? Complete global delegitimisation? Ehud Barak, Israel’s defence minister, has said that his country must recognise that the world will not put up with decades more of Israeli rule over the Palestinian people. Speaking to Israel Radio on Israel’s Memorial Day on Monday, Barak acknowledged that there was no way…

Here you are, liberal Jews, BDS is for you

How the Magnes Zionist blogger, an Orthodox Jew in Israel, offering 13 reasons why “liberal Zionists” should back the BDS movement. Here’s the thing. Jews who now oppose any kind of pressure on Israel and somehow hope the Jewish state will give up the occupation by choice are on the wrong side of history, willing…

Thinking about removing Zionist colonies is the easy part

So, if most Israelis actually back the removal of settlements (and polls have suggested similar results for decades), why have colonies simply expanded so much for so long? Talk is cheap, actions are what matter. And on the ground, Israeli Jews are complicit in the occupation and have been since 1967 (if not before): A…

Israel isn’t a normal country, tell the OECD

A letter that anybody can and should send to a country representative of the OECD: The Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) is scheduled to convene in May 2010 in order to take a formal decision on Israel’s application for membership in the Organization. A vote for Israel’s accession to the OECD will be…

How Arabs view the Star of David

These events are no longer rare and increasingly represent the ways in which fundamentalists Jews do business in the West Bank. Try removing them peacefully. Good luck: Palestinians in the West Bank town of Hawara awoke on Wednesday to find a blue star of David painted on the outside of their mosque, after what a…

The so-called Arab street is growing impatient with Israel

An editorial in the Arab News that shows the growing anger in the Middle East towards Israel (despite Jerusalem Post writer Caroline Glick arguing that in fact the “moderate”, authoritarian and US-backed Arab states want Israel to take on Iran and win): The Israeli Army’s plan to deport tens of thousands of Palestinians from the…

How to fight the occupation with a few good men and women

Israeli peace group Ta’ayush – not just talking but doers against the occupation – on another week in the West Bank: As in every week of the year, we woke up at 07:00 on a Saturday morning to oppose injustice. We, is a group of about 15, mostly Israeli and some International Activists lead by…

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