Living in the West Bank is now (nearly) illegal

A travesty that will likely receive little outrage in the Western political elites: A new military order aimed at preventing infiltration will come into force this week, enabling the deportation of tens of thousands of Palestinians from the West Bank, or their indictment on charges carrying prison terms of up to seven years. When the…

Murdoch publishes pro-Colombo propaganda

What kind of newspaper publishes an article by an “expert on defence policy in the Indian Ocean” that argues post-war Sri Lanka is a place of harmony and peace, treating all its minorities with compassion and equality? Murdoch’s Australian. And the writer is Sergei DeSilva-Ranasinghe. The article is about as credible as Zionists claiming that…

Stealing Palestinian money the old fashioned way

A democracy does not act this way: For the past 15 years, Israel has been channeling hundreds of millions of shekels it had collected in the West Bank into its state coffers. The move is considered illegal, since international law prohibits an occupying power from appropriating the fruit of economic activity in an occupied territory.…

What some New Zealanders think about Israel

The following press release appears today: A campaign formed in Wellington to oppose the opening of an Israeli embassy says nobody would want the embassy as its neighbour. NIEW – No Israeli Embassy in Wellington – is a coalition set up to oppose Israel plans to open an embassy in Wellington for the first time…

A Palestinian state “around 2011”

Here’s the Palestinian “vision”, courtesy of Western funding and largess. Impossible to achieve? No. A provisional Palestinian “state” could be called today. The question is what it will look like, what happens to the Jewish settlers and how will Israel react. Right now, the thought of a viable Palestinian state seems close to impossible: Next…

How not to remove illegal colonies in many, difficult steps

This is what uncontrolled Zionism has created: Twenty-one percent of settlers believe that all means must be employed in to resist the evacuation of most West Bank settlements, including the use of arms, according to a recent Hebrew University study. Five years ago, however, just 15 percent gave the same response. Sixty-three percent believe the…

What Passover means to Jews who loathe Arabs

Today is the beginning of the Jewish holiday Passover, so here’s fundamentalist West Bank Jews Women in Green making a statement to the world: Dear Friends, As we prepare for Pessach, the People of Israel put to rest Eliraz Peretz and Ilan Saviatovsky, two soldiers who fell in battle with Arab terrorists. As the mother…

Don’t be a child in Palestine

From the Only Democracy in the Middle East: In the West Bank, there is a two-tiered system of justice, including for minors.…  For settler children, justice is administered according to Israeli domestic law, with all the due process protections that affords.…  They…  cannot be … charged as adults until they reach 18, in accordance with the…

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