Many Israelis Jews don’t believe Arabs should be treated equally

While non-violent resistance is growing in the West Bank – a threat to Israel and its backers because the vast majority of its adherents are simply demanding equal rights with Jews – it’s hard not to read this and despair. On the other hand, Israel’s true face is being revealed more every day. And we…

This is how the US deals with its wild child, Israel

Take news from the Middle East in the last 24 hours. Despairing, infuriating and tragic. This: The Palestinians pulled out of a new round of indirect peace talks last night, even before they had begun, as a protest at Israel‘s decision to announce approval for hundreds of new homes in a Jewish settlement in East…

This is what Palestinian resistance looks like today

Jamal Juma’ is the coordinator of the Palestinian grass-roots Anti-Apartheid Wall Campaign and was released from an Israeli prison on January 12. He writes for the Christian Science Monitor: The Palestinian elected leadership is weak. And even with Vice President Joe Biden’s visit to Israel, the West Bank and Jordan this week, the renewed Middle…

The OECD may once again be ignoring Israel’s elephant in the ro

Who said brutally occupying another people is a barrier to global acceptance? An exclusive club of the world’s most developed countries is poised to admit Israel as a member even though, a confidential internal document indicates, doing so will amount to endorsing Israel’s illegal occupation of Palestinian and Syrian territories. Israel has been told that…

Demanding Australia stand up for its citizens in the West Bank

Back in February an Australian was arrested in the West Bank and roughed up by Israeli authorities. The following letter has been sent to Australia’s Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade by Stop the War Coalition: Attention: Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade March X, 2010 Dear Sir/Madam, We are writing to request that Australian…

The supposed rise of a new Israeli left

(Via Israel: The Only Democracy in the Middle East?) By Udi Aloni and Ofer Neiman This article was originally published in Hebrew on March 2nd in … YNet, the website of the mass circulation daily Yediot Achronot. It seems that for the first time in many years the Israeli peace camp is reaping the fruits of…

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