Israel and South Africa, feel the similarities

Jerusalem Post columnist Larry Derfner doesn’t mince words: “As long as in this territory west of the Jordan River there is only one political entity called Israel, it is going to be either non-Jewish or non-democratic. If this bloc of millions of Palestinians cannot vote, it will be an apartheid state.” Those are the words…

Rights is the key question for Israel/Palestine, not just peace

A fine post by Promised Land blogger Noam Sheizaf: When discussing the Palestinian-Israeli political process, the most common error is setting peace as its goal. This is not only incorrect, but also counter-productive, because it serves those who wish to maintain the status quo. The key to ending hostilities is to reframe the received narrative,…

The Green Prince was a traitor to the Palestinian cause

A story that doesn’t really need any comment: The son of a leading Hamas figure, who famously converted to Christianity, served for over a decade as the Shin Bet security service’s most valuable source in the militant organization’s leadership, Haaretz has learned. Mosab Hassan Yousef is the son of Sheikh Hassan Yousef, a Hamas founder…

The PA doesn’t seem to care who they meet or where

This is truly absurd. Palestinian Authority Prime Minister Salam Fayyad meets with some of America’s most right-wing Jewish leaders who don’t believe in ending the occupation or ceasing settlement building. Fayyad is becoming the “nice” Palestinian (though Israel is starting to tire of his pronouncements: maybe they’ll just kill him): U.S. Jewish leaders pressed Palestinian…

News flash: US corporate media reports on Palestinian’s lack of movement

Wow, real journalism about Israel’s occupation, published in the mainstream press. Here’s an Associated Press piece in the Washington Post this week (and it’s titled, “Checkpoint misery epitomizes a Mideast divide”): The journey to Jerusalem, for tens of thousands of Palestinians, begins in a dank, trash-strewn hangar. They move through cage-like passages and 7-foot-high turnstiles…

Palestinians walk, Israelis fire

Non-violent resistance is growing across the West Bank and Israel appears only able to respond with violence. Not exactly the best look for international cameras. Take the area of Beit Shahor, currently resisting the arrival of extremist Jewish settlers. Here’s the description of the following video: Some 100 people gathered at Ush Ghrab in Beit…

The West Bank Wild West

How many wild Jews are now operating in the West Bank? A senior army commander on Thursday accused settler leaders of losing control of West Bank areas under their control after 30 youths attacked soldiers and border guards, injuring three. A soldier and two Border Police officers were hurt in the hilltop settlement Yitzhar on…

Calling all Jews, please help us sell the vibrant state of Israel

Israel’s liberals have become politically invisible. The country is therefore increasingly run by the right and far-right. Hooray for them. In light of the Jewish state’s shocking global image (aside from the political elites who love its plucky nature and war against Palestinians), the Israeli government has a wonderful idea (it’s truly hard to read…

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