Israel expands the occupation and wonders why apartheid is alive

The “A” word by the Israeli elite: Israel’s defense minister warned Tuesday that if Israel does not achieve a peace deal with the Palestinians, it will be either a binational state or an undemocratic apartheid state. Defense Minister Ehud Barak’s comments came in an address to a security conference north of Tel Aviv. Israeli leaders…

Canadian students lead the way on BDS

Students Against Israeli Apartheid (SAIA) Carleton in Ottawa, Canada, have released a stunning video explaining why their university should divest from companies intimately involved in the Israeli occupation. It’s just the latest example of civil society taking up the issue of Palestine when governments and the elites continue backing gross human rights abuses in Palestine.…

Mahmoud Abbas and his cute police state

How the US-backed Palestinian Authority deals with dissent in the West Bank, silencing and arresting imams and activists. The makings of a police state, kindly brought to the Palestinians by the international community.

Years of Bil’in actions produce some tangible results (we think)

If true, how a local and global campaign against Israeli apartheid achieved results in the West Bank: non-violent, Palestinian resistance that scares the Israelis because it cannot be broken by force: Two-and-a-half years after a Supreme Court order, Israel’s army is preparing to adjust the route of the long security barrier it has constructed on…

Did the IDF murder three Palestinians in cold blood?

I reported last week on the death of three Palestinians in Nablus at the hands of the IDF. B’Tselem has released a report that questions the legality of the deaths: In the pre-dawn hours of 26 December 2009, soldiers shot to death Ghassan Abu Sharakh, Nader a-Sarkaji, and ”˜Anan Subuh, while each of them was…

Israel starts to realise the price for its occupation

An important development sent by a key organiser of the BDS movement, Omar Barghouti: Israel’s ambassador to Denmark says Danske Bank follows a Middle East policy with a disproportionate focus on Israel by dropping investments in two companies involved in settlements. JERUSALEM: Danske Bank’s decision to abandon investments in two companies because of their activities…

A man dedicated to Palestine: Rich Wiles

British photographer Rich Wiles, who has spent years working and teaching in Palestine, has launched a website. His new book, Behind the Wall: Life, Love and Struggle in Palestine, is released next month: Of the approximately seven million Palestinian refugees around the world, more than 650,000 are living in camps along the West Bank and…

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