America’s drone war is both counter-productive and brutal

My following article appears in Lebanon’s Al Akhbar: America’s drone war has countless silent victims. Since President Barack Obama massively expanded his reliance on the weapon from 2009, the number of civilians killed in Pakistan, Afghanistan, Somalia and Yemen have sky-rocketed, but we rarely hear about these murders. The Western corporate media is content rehashing…

Assange deepens interview with cypherpunks

Following last week’s first part of his The World Tomorrow interview with cypherpunks, this episode continues the conversation and discusses the growth of the military industrial complex and using the web’s architecture to keep the free flow of information alive:

Speaking in support of Julian Assange and Wikileaks

This week’s British Supreme Court decision over Julian Assange was yet another step in the farcical legal case against the Wikileaks publisher. Australian and American politicians have shown over the last years a disturbing desire to shut Wikileaks down. Let them try. They will fail. There was a large rally in Sydney this week in…

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