WTF, indeed

Yes, America is run by paranoid children who loathe light being shone on its activities: The CIA has launched a task force to assess the impact of the exposure of thousands of U.S. diplomatic cables and military files by WikiLeaks. Officially, the panel is called the WikiLeaks Task Force. But at CIA headquarters, it’s mainly…

Nothing in the Wikileaks documents? Please

One: The prime minister of Mauritius has accused Britain of pursuing a “policy of deceit” over the Chagos islands, its Indian Ocean colony from where islanders were evicted to make way for a US military base. He spoke to the Guardian as his government launched the first step in a process that could end UK…

Our leaders happy to let people starve or die

One of the key messages emerging from the Wikileaks cables is the callousness of Western leaders towards human rights. It’s seen as an inconvenience. That’s why we treat them with appropriate contempt. One: The Howard government urged the United States to force the collapse of the North Korean regime by denying it aid, despite advice…

Wikileaks comes to the Murdoch bosom

From David Leigh, Guardian’s investigation’s editor: The #guardian published too many leaks for #Assange ‘s liking, it seems. So now he’s signed up “exclusively” with #Murdoch‘s Times. Gosh. UPDATE: Times journalist confirms Assange has merely provided his paper with an interview, no more.

Fatah keen for occupier to murder Hamas

What do you call Palestinians who urge Israel to bomb fellow Palestinians? Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas wanted unprecedented help from Israel in attacking Hamas during the clashes just prior to the militant group’s bloody coup of the Gaza Strip, according to a classified cable leaked by WikiLeaks on Monday. In a cable dated June 13,…

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