What makes Assange tick from somebody who should know

Suelette Dreyfus collaborated with Julian Assange to write Underground, a 1997 book about hackers in Australia and across the world. She writes today in the Australian media about the motivations behind Wikileaks and gets inside the mind of Assange himself: If you want to improve the lot of the poorest, most oppressed people in the…

Wikileaks dumps on slavish New Zealand leaders

More leaked Wikileaks cables show that Washington is constantly looking for compliant journalists and politicians: Leaked United States diplomatic cables explain why officials appear to have been caught on the hop last year when American Secretary of State Hillary Clinton announced the resumption of intelligence sharing between the two countries – the deal was supposed…

How Wikileaks has unleashed massive online dissent

UK Observer publishes a piece that outlines the new info war with Wikileaks and the world. Call it cyber anarchism, payback to corporations, pro-Wikileaks rattling or just online revolution, there’s a new world out there: He is one of the newest recruits to Operation Payback. In a London bedroom, the 24-year-old computer hacker is preparing…

Clapton in Pyongyang?

Because music appreciation is the biggest issue facing North Korea: North Korea asked America to arrange an Eric Clapton concert in Pyongyang, saying that it could help to persuade Kim Jong-il to allow humanitarian aid into the country. A confidential cable dated 22 May 2007 from the US ambassador in Seoul to Washington reveals North…

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