Wilkie damns Gillard capitulation over Wikileaks

At least there are some rational and strong political voices in Australia: Key independent MP and former whistleblower Andrew Wilkie has accused Julia Gillard of trashing freedom of speech and ignoring Wikileaks founder Julian Assange’s right to be presumed innocent. As the fallout from the WikiLeaks revelations continues, the Tasmanian federal crossbencher also said today…

What to do with colluding corporates?

With hackers attacking Visa and Mastercard for colluding with censorship of Wikileaks, blogger Jon Seymour has an idea: I have a concrete suggestion for a campaign idea. The Australian Parliament, for example, could reserve for itself the right to impose a “freedom tax” on payment services like PayPal, MasterCard and Visa. The tax rate would…

John Pilger backs Wikileaks rally in Sydney

Renowned independent journalist and filmmaker… John Pilger has offered his support for the protest organised by supporters of Wikileaks on… Friday, December 10 at… 1pm… at Sydney… Town Hall. Greens Senator-elect… Lee Rhiannon and NSW Greens MLC… David Shoebridge are the latest confirmed speakers to address the protest. Shoebridge is also the lead candidate on the NSW Greens Upper House ticket for…

Our jolly good mates in Saudi laugh at our oil dependence

Wikileaks-released cable about Saudi Arabia, our cuddly fundamentalist friend in the Middle East. We’ve been supporting these brutes for decades and yet no major Western leader seems to think it may be a good idea to move away from them. Alternative energy anybody? Summary: The Saudi regulatory system offers the al-Saud regime a means to…

Confirmation that Paypal takes orders from US government

So the US State Department tells a company something is illegal and they simply follow orders and do as they’re told (any major evidence shown, peoples?). Paypal, we’re watching: PayPal today admitted it suspended payments to WikiLeaks after an intervention from the US State Department. The site’s vice-president of platform, Osama Bedier, told an internet…

Wikileaks post Assange?

Impossible to know the reliability of this story (from Wired) but short-term problems for Wikileaks are surely almost inevitable: The arrest without bail of WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange on Tuesday has left the organization in a state of uncertainty, despite transition plans laid out prior to his surrender to British police, according to one dispirited…

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