Screwing with their minds

The power of Google is something that should worry us all, despite its relevance in our daily lives. It’s therefore hard not to enjoy any attempt to challenge the company’s online dominance: On the same day it was revealed that users of YouTube, the world’s largest video-sharing site, were uploading more than 20 hours of…

You can’t touch us

Richard Silverstein asks the question that the mainstream media should be asking: So here’s a question: when are IDF personnel ever held accountable for their misdeeds? Answer: only when it’s captured on video and the entire world watches via YouTube. IDF Moral: ensure there is no video documentation of its misdeeds.

One part of the medicine

Evgeny Morozov is a fellow at the Open Society Institute and has written for The Economist, Newsweek, and other publications, and is working on a book on how the Internet transforms global politics. His latest article in the Boston Review: It is thus tempting to embrace the earlier cyber–optimism, trace the success of many political…

The eternal victim

My following article appeared yesterday in the Canadian magazine Adbusters: Each side in the Palestinian-Israeli conflict believes criticisms in the media are biased, but the Palestinians are the ones doing almost all the suffering and dying these days. Antony Loewenstein argues for reality-based… coverage. Israel’s highly decorated Chief of Staff, Mordechai Gur, once said, “we make…

Government uploads hypocrisy with internet censorship

My following article appears in today’s Melbourne Age: Before this year’s Beijing Olympic Games, Prime Minister Kevin Rudd chastised the Chinese authorities for blocking full access to the internet for the assembled world media: “My attitude to our friends in China is very simple”, he said. “They should have nothing to fear by open digital…

Giving what the kids need

The massive popularity of YouTube has resulted in the thinktank Demos suggesting that “creating video blogs and online diaries should be part of the school curriculum, used by schools in the same way that they organise museum trips or extra art classes.”

Vibewire on The Blogging Revolution

Vibewire is one of Australia’s finest online youth portals (I used to write a regular column for them years ago.) I was recently interviewed by one of their writers, Jacqui Dent, about my book, The Blogging Revolution: Blogging is being used increasingly to speak out against oppression in authoritarian regimes and speak up amidst mainstream…

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