When BDS became the necessary default position for human rights

One day, and soon, this message will move from the alternative world to the mainstream and anybody defending Israeli behaviour will be shunned as extreme and bigoted: Professor Norman Finkelstein stormed UK campuses in the week to November 11, lecturing to packed auditoriums in London, Leeds, Manchester, Birmingham and Nottingham on How to solve the…

That’s right, Murdoch, BDS isn’t anti-Semitic

The following Press Council decision appears in today’s Murdoch Australian newspaper: The Australian Press Council has considered complaints by Dale Mills and Vivienne Porzsolt about headlines on articles in The Australian on July 28, this year related to the Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions campaign that is aimed at businesses associated with Israel. One complaint related…

New Australian poll shows support for Palestine growing

The following press release was issued yesterday: Three in five Australians believe the United Nations should now recognise Palestine as one of its member States according to a poll conducted by Roy Morgan Research Pty Ltd. The results are part of an independent national poll done by the respected Roy Morgan Research company. “This is…

Don’t be surprised that Islamophobes see Zionism as friend

The mainstream normalisation of anti-Muslim hatred is finding friends in the most predictable of places; Israel. This is something discussed in the new e-book On Utoya. This piece in Israeli paper Haaretz offers a worrying new development: Marine Le Pen hit the jackpot. She invited about 100 diplomats to a luncheon last week during a…

Australia silent over Israeli abduction of one of its own citizens

The following statement is released today: URGENT: FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Monday 7 November, 12pm ISRAELI TAKEOVER OF FREEDOM BOATS VIOLENT AND DANGEROUS Contrary to Israeli claims that the takeover of the two Freedom boats Tahrir and MV Saoirse by the Israeli navy was peaceful, organisers of this latest Freedom Wave to Gaza say it was…

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