Selective BDS understanding, not by chance, in Australian corporate media

Following the appearance today of a story in Murdoch’s Australian about BDS, one of those interviewed, Kim Bullimore, sent me the following details of her interview with the paper’s reporter, Cameron Stewart: Stewart (the reporter) wanted to know when was our next action. … I told them Sept 9.… … He… wanted to know if we would be picketing…

About time Zionist extremists are barred from robust democracies

Bravo: The U.K. Border Agency is prohibiting fundamentalist Rabbi Yosef Elitzur, co-author of the controversial book “The King’s Torah” (“Torat Hamelech” ), from entering Britain, the Jewish Voice website reported on… Wednesday. Elitzur received a letter last month from the U.K. Border Agency, signed by the home secretary, informing him that he could not enter Britain…

Israeli BDS campaigners support Australian BDS activists

Following the establishment pressure on Australian BDS activists – a futile attempt to silence people speaking out for Palestine by accusing them of Nazi-style tactics – here’s Israeli BDS campaigners sending a message of solidarity: We, Israeli citizens, members of Boycott! Supporting the Palestinian BDS Call from Within, would like to express our solidarity with…

Defending BDS activists to speak out against the crimes of the Zionist state

Following news this week that the Victorian government is investigating the role of all those “radicals” who dare protest an Israeli business that backs an occupying army, today’s development is ominous and suggests a wider public campaign is required. If any establishment figure wants to charge people for speaking up for Palestine and highlighting in…

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