Alice Walker on why Gaza Flotilla 2 is essential

Foreign Policy: Why are you taking part in the flotilla mission? Alice Walker: In 2009, I was in Gaza, just after Operation Cast Lead, and I saw the incredible damage and devastation. I have a good understanding of what’s on the ground there and how the water system was destroyed and the sewage system. I…

Israel struggling with that narrative thing

Joseph Dana in South Africa’s Mail and Guardian: In the wake of the Arab Spring, Israel is starting to lose its edge in convincing the international community that the conflict is simply about peace and not rights. Palestinian demonstrations on Israel’s borders and checkpoints have highlighted the sea change taking place.

Ethnic cleansing by another name

Yes: There has been a sharp rise in the number of Palestinian structures razed by the Israeli authorities in the West Bank this year, with over 700 people left homeless, rights groups said on Wednesday. So far, Israeli forces have demolished “103 residential structures … most of them tents, huts, and tin shacks, in which…

Censorship is fine for anybody who dares challenge Zionist apartheid

Index on Censorship highlights an apparent case of free speech being only acceptable to some (and as for criticising saintly Israel…): The US State Department has withdrawn an invitation to Palestinian… Majed Badra to attend a government-sponsored international exchange program for political cartoonists after deciding that some of his work was “anti-Semitic.” The program, part of…

Nakba denial is an ugly thing

But Daniel Pipes has no hesitation leading the charge: …The building of Israel represents about the most peaceable in-migration and state creation in history…Israelis should hold their heads high and point out that the building of their country was based on the least violent and most civilized movement of any people in history. Gangs did…

Remember all the Western journalists praising Fayyad in the West Bank?

It was an illusion, built on seemingly endless Western aid and no plan to end the Zionist occupation on Palestinian land: For years, Fayyad’s soft talk and cheery dedication enabled policymakers throughout the world to ignore the brewing crisis. And this may be where Fayyad, despite his impressive management skills, did Palestinians a disservice. In…

Imagine if Palestinians admitted to killing Israelis

It would be front page news globally. But instead, this story will inevitably disappear down the memory hole: Undercover Israeli intelligence officers appeared on national television Saturday to talk about assassinating Palestinians in a program broadcast on Israel’s Channel 10. Oren Beaton presented a photo album of Palestinians he killed during his time as a…

Killing fields of Sri Lanka

Here is the devastating Channel 4 in Britain documentary on the brutal civil war in Sri Lanka. Assisted by China, Israel, India and the US, Colombo murdered over 40,000 Tamil civilians. We will not forget. And we will demand accountability:

How can we get young Jews to hate Arabs in only 10 days?

Send them on the Birthright trip. Here’s an interesting feature in the Nation on the countless number of Jews who are sent on a short propaganda trip to Israel in an attempt to convince them that Arabs are terrorists and the occupied Palestinian territories are in fact Zionist land: Birthright’s boosters seem strangely unaware of…

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