Settlements must be excluded night and day

A noble attempt by a nation that actually realises indulging illegal colonies does nothing for peace: The Netherlands on Sunday cancelled a tour of the country by a forum of… Israeli mayors because their group included representatives of West Bank settlements. The professional delegation, funded by the Joint Distribution Committee, a Jewish-American charity, was supposed to…

Israel will do business anywhere (with friend or foe)

This is a wonderful essay in the New York Review of Books about Dubai, a city continually built by imported slaves, and includes these fascinating insights about the role of the Jewish state in this Arab land ruled by a corrupt royal elite: One alleged arms buyer was Mahmoud al-Mabhouh, a fifty-year-old Hamas operative based…

Zionist lobby? Never heard of it, doesn’t exist

This is worth sharing from today’s Sydney Morning Herald. Little needs to be said except how it shows the growing hysteria of Jews against anybody who dares say anything about Israeli crimes.”Anti-Semitism” has lost its meaning with such frivolous and desperate tactics (which are increasingly failing): The Australian Press Council has considered a complaint by…

Islam is the enemy, kill Islam immediately

Communism is dead. Islamism is the new threat. And the same radical Zionists who once fought (from their bedrooms, of course) against the Evil Empire are now focusing on Islam and Iran. Richard Silverstein uncovers the role of neo-conservatives Jews who once again want to be defined solely through war.

Accepting a Jewish state is treasonous

Yitzhak Laor in Haaretz: Recognition of an exclusive Jewish nationality for our country, which Netanyahu is demanding from the Palestinians now, is nothing but a demand to recognize the legitimacy of racist discrimination against the Arab minority in Israel. If this minority had been awarded equal rights, including water rights for agriculture, equality in education…

What the unhinged Israel lovers want next

Blogger Andrew Sullivan, recently made aware of the disastrous and destructive actions of radical Jews and hardline Zionists, gets it in one: Peter Beinart heralds it in: “Ever since 9/11, according to opinion polls, Republicans have worried more about terrorism than have Democrats. Initially, this fear translated into overwhelming support for military action abroad. But…

The wannabe porn Zionist

Reclaiming what is theirs: Israel’s foreign Ministry has acquired the @Israel username on Twitter, the social networking site, from the Spanish owner of adult porn sites. The Spaniard, who now lives in Miami, Florida, is called Israel Melendez and he set up the account for free in 2007, when Twitter was still a relatively new…

The Gaza tunnels from the inside

An intimate look at the tunnels running from Gaza to Egypt screened last weekend on Australia’s SBS Dateline. It’s a dirty and dangerous business and continues to serve the people of Gaza, providing a life-line during the stifling Israeli blockade.

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