American liberals have problem with Israel (and it’s growing)

New poll findings are bad news for Israel. Looks like killing peace activists and ongoing occupation are bad for the image. Who knew? Less than half of all Americans believe that Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s government is committed to peace, according to a new survey commissioned by Democratic pollster Stan Greenberg. The findings of the…

Which Western hacks want free propaganda trips to Zionist central?

Remember these details when prominent commentators are given plush trips to Israel, conveniently avoiding the real West Bank occupation and Gaza (and not having the tenacity to go there themselves): The Foreign Ministry plans to target leading social media figures as part of a new public relations campaign. The ministry will soon launch the NIS…

The wisdom of Jews utilising BDS

While increasing number of groups globally embrace the BDS agenda – a non-violent way to pressure Israel to abandon apartheid or pay a deep price – the Australian Zionist lobby is fearful: Jewish Community Council of Victoria (JCCV) President John Searle has strongly denounced The Australian Jewish Democratic Society’s (AJDS) recent decision that some boycotts…

Gideon Levy on Zionist degredation

Haaretz journalist Gideon Levy speaking in Scotland on 16 August: The Israeli media is the biggest collaborator of the occupation in Israel. Israeli journalist Gideon Levy speaking in Dundee from Robert Stewart on Vimeo. Unsurprisingly, UK Zionists are accusing Levy of spreading “hatred” on his tour.

How many Americans hate Islam?

The hysteria over the proposed Islamic centre and mosque near Ground Zero in New York shows most in the political and media elites have failed miserably since 9/11 to explain what Islam is and is not. Anti-Islam bigotry is rising in the US and often connected to the Zionist project. Increasingly, the most vocal backers…

Time for an honest accounting of the Israel lobby and the ALP

While the Zionist establishment in Australia has no real concerns over Saturday’s election win – both major sides love Israel to death – the mainstream media only occasionally reveals the workings of the Zionist lobby (and almost in passing): The controversial property career of Julia Gillard’s partner, Tim Mathieson, is in serious doubt as the…

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