When Christian and Jewish fundies get together to make sweet love

New neo-con group The Emergency Committee for Israel have some charming friends on-board. Aside from king-maker William Kristol – a Jew with a lot of time to make war against the Muslim world – there’s Gary Bauer, a former Republican presidential candidate. Here’s Bauer a few years ago: God granted the Land of Israel to…

How do you smoothly sell occupation and a blockade?

Israel’s leading spokesman Mark Regev spends his days defending Israeli government policy. Just like the Zionist spokespeople who occupy our media space. Israel has a siege on Gaza. Israel slightly lifts the siege on Gaza. A new position will be defended as quickly as the old one. Credibility isn’t exactly likely to follow. So how…

Of course life must go on in Gaza

Despite the ongoing hardships in Gaza caused by Israel’s blockade, Palestinians continue to innovate in very difficult circumstances. Gaza journalist Rami Almeghari, whom I met last year in the Strip, reports: The relentless Israeli blockade of the Gaza Strip has squeezed many things, but it hasn’t robbed people of their ability and desire to innovate…

Remote-control killing in Palestine

What is an occupying army to do when people are simply not as keen to kill Palestinians anymore? It is called Spot and Shoot. Operators sit in front of a TV monitor from which they can control the action with a PlayStation-style joystick. The aim: to kill. Played by: young women serving in the Israeli…

Dissent isn’t so welcome these days in Israel

Leading Israeli dissident Neve Gordon on the real meaning of BDS: There is a considerable amount of misunderstanding about the BDS (Boycott Divestment and Sanctions). As John Berger explained a while back, BDS is not a principle but a strategy; it is not against Israel but against Israeli policy; when the policy changes BDS will…

How not to discuss Israel and the Middle East

I recently posted an image that was inappropriate and ill-advised and was not intended to cause offense by making comparisons between Israel and Nazism. However, it expressed the sort of extreme views that are widely shared and growing worldwide but on reflection I realise that they should be not be given further oxygen and publicity.

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