The US Israel lobby assist in the colonisation process

Just in case readers weren’t clear on the relationship between the American Zionist lobby and the West Bank occupation (thanks to an Israeli journalist for explaining): The West Bank construction freeze of all things should not be a problem: Firstly, because there was really never a full freeze, even for a moment. Secondly, because it’s…

Rabbis of hate

Israel, 2010: The letter circulated by three rabbis in south Tel Aviv in which they direct residents not to rent their apartments to migrants and refugees trying to settle in the city makes a pretense of concern for the welfare of the residents and compassion for asylum seekers. But it hardly manages to conceal the…

The history of apartheid continues to resonate

I can’t help but read this story in the New York Times about the World Cup and wonder about years ahead, when Israel has left its apartheid behind. People will look back and wonder how it ever happened. And those who backed and supported to the last drop of blood will not be forgotten. Who…

The dancing storm-troopers

What planet do these Israelis live on? Occupation soldiers are dancing in the streets of an apartheid town and we should celebrate? It has been a while since we felt the kind of joy we experienced when we saw the six Nahal Brigade soldiers dancing in Hebron’s streets. If I were a Foreign Ministry official,…

Israel is drifting and the future looks bleak

The US Presbyterian Church continues to gently push for effective change in Palestine and the New York Times columnist Nicholas Kristof rehashes the tired line of finding a Palestinian “Gandhi” (do these Western commentators simply feel the need to repeat predictable talking points over and over again?) Max Blumenthal finds increasing Israeli violence at Sheikh…

Life under occupation in the holy city of Bethlehem

I regularly feature the writings of Father Peter Bray, a New Zealander who heads Bethlehem University. He offers first-hand accounts of the realities of occupation: 7 July 2010 Greetings from this holy place! Last week we finally celebrated the graduation of 656 students and so brought to an end the academic year which was the…

Australians are beginning to wake to BDS necessity

Sonja Karkar explains in the Electronic Intifada that the BDS movement is stirring in Australia (but geez, we have a long way to go): With a supine government and a media unwilling to investigate Israel’s criminal acts, getting the message out to the public has been a real challenge. However, Australian unions look like they…

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