Unprecedented hostility towards Israel, says New York Times

Roger Cohen in the New York Times: I hear more hostility to Israel around the world than at any time I can recall. The United States, traumatized, made mistakes after 9/11. Too often, it shunned prudence and rode roughshod. Israel is in some ways an extension of the United States. The line between what’s domestic…

Finkelstein shows the weakness of Obama on Palestine

The latest interview with Norman Finkelstein this week, on GritTV, on the meeting a few days ago between Barack Obama and Benjamin Netanyahu that showed the real face of Washington towards the Middle East; weak, blindly pro-Israel and deep with empty rhetoric. America will not solve this conflict:

New York Times happy to publish call for ethnic cleansing

Following the extensive New York Times feature on American companies getting tax deductions for building settlements in the West Bank, one letter writer in the paper is upset: To the Editor: Some questions: Why should it be controversial for tax-exempt charities to aid people who live in disputed territory? Why is it that Jews living…

Australia’s Prime Minister is a pale shadow of nothingness

Dissident writer and academic Scott Burchill on the dead heart at the centre of the ruling Labor party in Australia (and the Prime Ministership of Julia Gillard): Caved in to miners within hours of becoming PM – not prepared to stand up to corporate power in the West, or defend the population’s resources equity Gushed…

White House rolls out the silver cutlery for Netanyahu

In case you were wondering what Benjamin Netanyahu ate with the entire Obama administration team a few days ago in Washington (fine journalism, indeed): The kosher lunch menu included chopped White House garden salad with honey-apple cider dressing, thyme-roasted chicken with spring peas, leek puree and potato croutons, with apricot torte with White House honey…

Israeli discovers his country has some friends

An Israeli finds some people in South Africa during the World Cup who love his country. The irony alert was clearly malfunctioning when this was written: Well, as it turns out, the South Africans who suffered so terribly under the apartheid regime – which some in the world compare to Israel – happen to like…

What Israeli soldiers are told about fighting Arabs

Breaking the Silence is an Israeli group made up of former soldiers who detail the horrendous acts in the West Bank under occupation. One of the founders, Yehuda Shaul, 27, tells Haaretz that the IDF rarely has any intention of seriously investigating itself: What’s really disturbing about Operation Cast Lead is not the ordinary soldiers.…

Speak to Hamas right now, says Haaretz

An editorial in Haaretz that speaks some sense (and will therefore be ignored by the Israeli government and its global support base): The writer David Grossman called on the government of Israel in these pages yesterday to cease its preoccupation with the number and identity of Palestinian prisoners who would potentially be swapped for captive…

Helpful hints for American reporters (Israel=bad, Arabs=bad)

Following the firing of a CNN journalist for daring to praise the recently deceased Lebanese religious leader Sayyed Mohammed Hussein Fadlallah, it’s clear that American corporate television allows anti-Arab statements to run 24/7, but dare say something that may upset the Zionist lobby or Israel, and you’ll be gone. Here’s (former AIPAC employee) CNN’s Wolf…

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