Punishing Palestinian independence

Hamas leader in Gaza, Mahmoud Zahar, doesn’t want his territory to become like another US-backed wasteland, Afghanistan: The Hamas co-founder was bitterly critical of Western policy towards Hamas and Gaza over the four and half years since the Islamic faction won the last Palestinian elections. “Why did the Western people boycott Hamas after the election?”…

Believe it, BDS is biting

So you’re an Israeli who does business with the international community. The Jewish state is facing increasing criticism and isolation but what to do? An Israeli publication offers some handy tips to beat the issues and still turn a profit.

Divide and rule in Jerusalem

Apartheid: The Jerusalem District Planning and Building Committee is set to approve an unprecedented master plan that calls for the expansion of Jewish neighborhoods in East Jerusalem, a move largely based on construction on privately owned Arab property. The committee’s proposal would codify the municipality’s planning policy for the entire city. In essence, Jerusalem would…

Reporters are not supposed to thank the establishment at the end of the day

Journalist Michael Hastings believes in journalism. You know, asking questions, not protecting military men because they’re in the military and telling things how they are. Crazy ideas, I know. Others, like The Atlantic’s Jeffrey Goldberg, rather like war and Israel and like to contribute to the Middle East being filled with the former as much…

Obama is a barrier to any kind of Middle East peace

Even if this story is accurate, that US/Israeli relations are struggling, other reports indicate Washington is very happy to continue carrying the water for Tel Aviv, even if it means not releasing Gilad Shalit because it would strengthen Hamas. First, this: Israel’s ambassador to Washington, Michael Oren, denied painting a dark picture of U.S.-Israeli relations…

A hug and cuddle with Tzipi Livni

This is how the New York Times interviews Israel’s “opposition” leader Tzipi Livni. Soft-ball questions, nothing about the occupation or the real human rights crisis in Gaza or fundamentalist Jewish settlers. Of course not, she’s one of us, remember? The Israeli security cabinet just voted to ease the three-year blockade on Gaza, in the wake…

Midnight on the Mavi Marmara

Norman Finkelstein’s last book, This Time We Went Too Far, is published by new figure on the scene. OR Books. Now, in late July, comes a new title, Midnight on the Mavi Marmara:

Julia Gillard will serve our agendas fine, say Washington and Tel Aviv interests

The elevation of Julia Gillard to position of Australia’s new Prime Minister has been welcomed, indeed blessed, by both the Zionist and American lobbies. Gillard can certainly be relied upon to follow her predecessor’s attitude towards the Jewish state and Washington, namely that independent thought is frowned upon and obedience is the necessary Australian way.…

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