The World Cup behind barbed wire

ABC PM shows how people inside Palestine are trying to make life as normal as possible while under occupation: MARK COLVIN: The Palestinian Soccer Union can’t send a team to South Africa so they’re holding their own World Cup instead. The local under-15s are representing each of the 32 sides in Durban and playing to…

Torturing children, Israeli style

While some Israeli commentators argue against instituting a constitution– yes, people, Israel claims to be a modern democracy – the country’s soul is corrupted by a lack of care and brutal efficiency. Amira Hass in Haaretz: M., a Haaretz reader from Zichron Yaakov, was disturbed by reports about the manner in which Palestinian children are…

Power cuts in Gaza are all in a day’s life

The latest edition of Gaza Gateway: For the past several months, Gaza Gateway has reported on the declining amounts of industrial diesel, necessary for electricity generation, entering Gaza. These amounts fall far below the needs of Gaza residents and are even lower than the “minimal amount” set by Israel before the High Court, as part…

IAJV June newsletter

The following email was just sent to the Independent Australian Jewish Voices email list: Dear friends, The recent Gaza flotilla debacle has brought international attention to the blockade on Gaza by Israel. Media coverage has been intense and we have been pleased to see the growing dissent worldwide among Jews. The wider community is no…

Israeli Jews really just want “yes” people in the US

A curious and rather predictable poll (and why are Israeli Arabs seemingly never asked anything in such polls? They are 20% of Israel’s population but clearly don’t matter too much to most people). On the one hand Israeli Jews want the world to butt out and on the other hand they want American Jews to…

Colbert briefly skewers Oren

The Colbert Report covers the Gaza flotilla incident (with tongue firmly planted in its cheek) then interviews Israeli ambassador to the US, Michael Oren. It’s gentle, to put it mildly, but it seems to me that Israel’s position is mocked: The Colbert Report Mon – Thurs 11:30pm / 10:30c Formidable Opponent – Michael Oren…

Jews telling other Jews what Arabs feel

Indoctrination on the Zionist Birthright programs is legendary (witness my 2009 report that details the Jewish role-playing of Arabs to “understand” the occupation). Now a new book, Tours That Bind: Diaspora, Pilgrimage, and Israeli Birthright Tourism, expands this ideology further but certainly explains the reasons many Jews return home with a fundamentally distorted view of…

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