Who is really attacking Jews these days?

A story from American TV that highlights the threats to the Jewish community. I don’t doubt that there are a number of individuals and groups that would like to harm Jews but I remain skeptical that the “new anti-Semitism” isn’t a convenient distraction when Israel is facing legitimate criticisms of its behaviour.

The moral calling of BDS

Stéphane Frédéric Hessel is a diplomat, former ambassador, French resistance fighter and participant in the drafting of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights of 1948: The Freedom Flotilla brings to mind the kind of civil society solidarity initiatives which brought an end to segregation laws in the US and apartheid in South Africa, an analogy…

My people like to slam all Muslims as terrorists

A new blog on the Foreign Policy in Focus website, Focal Points, aims to present a different perspective on the world. A recent post highlights the resistance to new mosques in America and guess who is fanning the flames? It has been said before that Al-Qaeda’s greatest victory was not September 11th but Abu Ghraib.…

The boats will be sailing into Gaza one day soon

This is inspiring. Let the boats come, as many as possible and as often as possible, inevitably forcing Israel to abandon its futile siege on Gaza: The [Israeli] security forces are preparing to receive the three vessels expected to reach Gazan shores soon. Israel’s policy, as declared by Defense Minister Ehud Barak and Prime Minister…

The paradise known as Gaza

The Los Angeles Times on Gaza: Passing through the half-mile Erez checkpoint and emerging into Gaza, the contrast could hardly be more stark. In Israel, there are shopping malls and traffic lights. In Gaza, donkey carts and herds of goats cross the road. Young boys pick through the debris of bombed-out buildings to salvage construction…

No wonder Israel likes this man

Israel launches an “independent” investigation into the Gaza flotilla debacle and includes a few foreign observers, including Nobel Peace laureate and Ulster Unionist leader David Trimble. This man’s record on such matters? From 2004: [Trimble] called human rights organisations a “great curse” yesterday and accused them of complicity in terrorist killings. “One of the great…

Melanie Philips, unplugged

A very helpful “digested read” in the Guardian of the latest work by Melanie Philips: This book arose from a sense of perplexity that almost everyone in the world thought I was clinically mad. Everywhere I looked there were people who believed boarding a humanitarian aid convoy in international waters and murdering nine people was…

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