More cluster bombs, please

Does Israel ask Washington for anything these days apart from diplomatic protection and more weapons? Israel has approached the United States for more bombs and asked Washington to increase an emergency arms cache stowed on Israeli soil by 50 per cent, according to the leading newspaper Ha’aretz. The approach, made by Defence Minister Ehud Barak…

We don’t care about the people of Iran

A new Human Rights Watch report on the desperation in Iran one year after the disputed elections: Reports received by Human Rights Watch from human rights campaigners and others inside Iran suggest that the current atmosphere inside the country is markedly different than the images of mass protest beamed across airwaves and cyberspace a year…

How does it feel to be isolated?

The growing numbers of Western acts boycotting Israel due to its criminality – Elvis Costello, the Pixies and Gorillaz, to name a few – is causing unease in the Jewish state. We just want to be normal, they say, and the world to ignore what we’re doing to the Palestinians down the road from our…

Israel must be “enlightened”

What world do these people live in? Here’s Ari Shavit in Haaretz: If Israel intends to attack Iran, it must carry out the following diplomatic operations during the year preceding such an offensive: position itself anew in the international arena as an enlightened, peace-seeking democracy; tighten its alliances with the United States and the West;…

“Economic warfare”

A necessary editorial in Haaretz (“Hamas 1, Netanyahu 0“) that speaks for itself: The Israeli blockade of Gaza and all it entailed – the goods forbidden entry, the lies about how there was no humanitarian crisis there – was a form of collective punishment against an impoverished and oppressed population that cast a moral stain…

The beginning of many such calls for BDS in the mainstream

Probably the first major Western publication to endorse the Palestinian BDS campaign, Ireland’s Tribune is setting an important precedent: They were not, as Israel’s defence minister Ehud Barack ludicrously tried to claim, “an armada of hate and violence”. Nor was the Mavi Marmara “a boat of hate”, as Israeli prime minister Benjamin Netanyahu described the…

Abbas looks for warm embrace of Zionist community

If anymore evidence is needed, and it isn’t, that Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas is a puppet desperate for Western approval (and funding and arms), here’s a little news from his American tour: Leading Jewish Americans are reportedly just about fed up with the government of Turkey, but many of them are still very much interested…

Syria, Iran and Turkey are now calling the shots

The major role of Turkey in the Middle East is shifting fast, damn fast. Old alliances, always formed around convenience over principle (that’s foreign affairs, I hear you say) are moving. Paul McGeough outlines what’s going on but a stronger analysis is by Pepe Escobar in Asia Times. Poor, little Washington just can’t control the…

NBC dares to show Gaza

A mainstream American TV report on life in Gaza. A rarity: Visit for breaking news, world news, and news about the economy

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