And now the blame game begins

An Israeli journalist reports that many in the local press there didn’t report (self-censorship? government censorship?) that many in the military establishment supposedly opposed the military action before it was launched near Gaza.

The Washington way is to embrace its Jewish friend and hold tight

Washington’s aim in life seems to be to protect its little mate, Israel. Sweet. Here’s a quote from a few days ago that can’t be forgotten: “The situation is that they’re so isolated right now that it’s not only that we’re the only ones who will stick up for them,” said an American official. “We’re…

When we learn that occupation isn’t really occupation

This is going around today, by Lebanese-Australian writer and academic Ghassan Hage: I don’t write poems but, in any case, poems are not poems Long ago, I was made to understand that Palestine was not Palestine; I was also informed that Palestinians were not Palestinians; They also explained to me that ethnic cleansing was not…

Post flotilla news, including boycotts, violence and gutlessness

Another hectic day. Some news, views, thoughts, ideas and outrage follows (though Australian Jew and sometime Independent Australian Jewish Voices writer Michael Brull has a good round-up). We’re starting to hear the voices of activists who have been (finally) released by Israel. It ain’t pretty. Here’s some testimonies that detail the brutality of the Jewish…

Thank God Israel stopped those 700 terrorists

What is a man to do who simply loves Israel like a fine wine, an aged cheese, a voluptuous lady? Over to you, Murdoch man Andrew Bolt: Jihad was also the spirit on the Mavi Marmara as it sailed for Gaza. Those on board refused offers by Israel that they dock at an Israeli port…

A country can’t simply violently board a ship on the high seas

University of Sydney law professor Ben Saul – a man with a history of challenging human rights abuses – writes about Israel’s flagrant abuse of human rights this week: Israel’s response to the Gaza flotilla is another unfortunate example of Israel clothing its conduct in the language of international law while flouting it in practice.…

Protecting Israel by the usual US suspects

Just in case anybody thinks the American, corporate media is doing a decent and fair job reporting the Gaza flotilla massacre. They’re not. And watch this interview with Salon’s Glenn Greenwald, where even the suggestion that Israel may be in the wrong isn’t accepted by host Eliot Spitzer: Visit for breaking news, world news,…

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