We’re sailing into unchartered waters here, people

A fascinating piece (via Mondoweiss) from the realist website Stratfor: [Exodus author Leon] Uris…used an amalgam of incidents to display the propaganda war waged by the Jews. Those carrying out this war had two goals. The first was to create sympathy in Britain and throughout the world for Jews who, just a couple of years…

The world changed yesterday (maybe) and Israel has no idea why

Robert Fisk on a nation under siege and it doesn’t even understand why: How did we get to this point? Maybe because we all grew used to seeing the Israelis kill Arabs, maybe the Israelis grew used to killing Arabs. Now they kill Turks. Or Europeans. Something has changed in the Middle East these past…

What must happen before Israel is fully accepted

Richard Silverstein has launched a Facebook campaign and outlines some important points: 1. an independent UN investigation under supervision of Security Council with the power to investigate possible war crimes and report results to the Council for referral to International Criminal Court. 2. the U.S. government condemn unequivocally the attack on a Turkish ship in…

Breaking the siege is both legal and moral

Electronic Intifada writes an editorial that challenges some of the myths surrounding the Gaza incident: Early this morning under the cover of darkness Israeli soldiers stormed the lead ship of the six-vessel Freedom Flotilla aid convoy in international waters and killed and injured dozens of civilians aboard. All the ships were violently seized by Israeli…

J Street begs for more Obama intervention

I used to be agnostic towards J Street, a liberal Zionist lobby, but its Gaza flotilla statement continues its obsession (and misunderstanding) that only Washington can bring peace to the Middle East when in fact it’s primarily due to America that Israel can act as it does: J Street is deeply shocked and saddened by…

From the depths of South Africa, Israel receives a warning

This event is resonating around the world. From a country that knows a thing or two about racial oppression: Anglican Archbishop Emeritus Desmond Tutu and a group of retired global leaders have joined international leaders in condemning the Israeli forces’ raid on a ship delivering relief supplies to Gaza. “We as elders condemn Israel utterly…

ABC asks Israel if it behaved and it says yes

How’s this for news judgment and shoddy “journalism”? Israel kills up to 20 people near Gaza and Australia’s leading evening current affairs program reports the story, then features an Israeli government spokesman, Mark Regev, for 10 minutes explaining the “official” position. Any thought given to actually speaking to somebody other than the ones who killed…

This is the story Israel wants us to believe

This is how Israel’s leading newspaper is reporting yesterday’s incident at sea. No real sourcing just allegations but certainly frames the peace protesters as terrorists and essentially deserving of being targeted: Our Navy commandoes fell right into the hands of the Gaza mission members. A few minutes before the takeover attempt aboard the Marmara got…

The Australian response

Unsurprisingly, the Greens have issued the strongest condemnation of Israel’s attack: The federal government has expressed sorrow at the deaths, and was last night trying to make contact with Australians involved in the Gaza flotilla. The Greens leader, Bob Brown, described the Israeli raid as ”shocking”. The Coalition’s foreign affairs spokeswoman, Julie Bishop, said reports…

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