Another win for Hamas in Gaza but Turkey is the real key

When the smoke settles, the most likely long-term ramifications of the Israeli attack today are the moves made by Turkey. Zvi Bar’el of Haaretz outlines possible scenarios: The Turkish government’s political-security cabinet convened Monday morning to assess its options on an official Turkish response to Israel’s attack on the Gaza aid convoy, in which IDF…

Anti-Semitism around every anti-Israel comment

Israeli blogger Magnes Zionist on the tone of today’s Israeli radio after the Gaza massacre: Oy, what will the world say”¦This is really awful”¦We had every right to do it”¦The whole thing is political”¦those guys are anti-Semites”¦we did what we had do”¦oy, what will the world say”¦boy, did we screw up”¦but we had to do…

New York Times finds a way to feel Israel’s pain

Mondoweiss would like to know why the American corporate press is structurally designed to love/defend Israel: The New York Times’ Isabel Kershner reports more than 10 dead and then offers the following grotesque commentary: “The criticism [of Israel over the attack] offered a propaganda coup to Israel’s foes, particularly the Hamas group that holds sway…

Ehud Barak says that Israel’s navy is in tip-top shape

Israel’s PR strategy: blame the victims, use the word “terrorism” excessively and praise the noble IDF: Defense Minister Ehud Barak said Monday that the organizers of the flotilla to Gaza were responsible for the deadly Israel Defense Forces raid of the ships, which left at least 10 pro-Palestinian activists dead and dozens injured. Speaking at…

New Zealand takes notice of Israeli actions

The following was released today by Auckland’s Palestine Human Rights Campaign: The Palestine Human Rights Campaign…  is calling upon the New Zealand Government to condemn…  Israel’s killing of civilian activists on board the peace flotilla carrying humanitarian supplies to the Gaza Strip. “The New Zealand government should call in its newly credentialed Israeli ambassador to… …

Gush Shalom condemns Gaza flotilla massacre

The following press release was just sent out by Israeli group Gush Shalom: Uri Avnery: this night a crime was perpetrated in the middle of the sea, by order of the government of Israel and the IDF Command A warlike attack against aid ships and deadly shooting at peace and humanitarian aid activists It is…

Gaza flotilla massacre is Israel’s Kent State?

In the midst of today’s madness by Israel, it’s welcome to read a sensible analysis by Moshe Yaroni at Realistic Peace (thanks to Sol Salbe for the tip). Ultimately, he writes, this incident has the potential to massively damage Israel’s reputation (what, I hear you say, it still has some?) and reveal further to the…

Israel says al-Qaeda was related to the Gaza flotilla (yes, seriously)

Boarding a ship in international waters and arriving with commandos from helicopters. Yes, Israel clearly made a defensive move. And I thought the Zionist lobby keeps on telling us that Gaza is no longer occupied. Here’s the latest Israeli government spin, predictable and pathetic (perhaps they should claim that Bin Laden was on the Gaza…

Zionist colonists smear Gaza flotilla

Fundamentalist Jewish settlers in the West Bank and Israel, from the group Women in Green, just sent out this statement to show how much they love the IDF (unless, of course, these soldiers ever remove illegal colonies): The People of Israel are united in their support of the IDF’s necessary action to stop the provocation…

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