Europe tells Israel a few home truths

Here’s a reality check for Israelis drunk on American support: Excerpt from column, Ben Caspit, Maariv Friday… Political… Supplement, May 14 2010 [page 2] Speaking of bulldozers, [Israeli politician Benyamin] Fuad Ben Eliezer was in Brussels last week, on a one-day working trip, including meetings with many senior European officials from the EU and the European Parliament.…

Nakba memories and power in the streets of Sydney

Commemorating the Nakba, the Palestinian dispossession of 1948, is a significant annual event. Remembering the victims and highlighting Israel’s ongoing occupation of Palestinian land is a key ritual, bound in present day blood and tears. The Zionist lobby may continue to deny ethnic cleansing and blame Palestinians for their own misfortune (the charming sentiment of…

One more way of isolating illegal Zionist colonies in the West Bank

This Washington Post piece is filled with the usual “he said/she said” conventions of corporate journalism, but it’s an important story nonetheless, highlighting the failing moral claims of Israel’s occupation and some Palestinians figthing against it. But let’s not be under any illusion about the involvement of the Palestinian Authority, a corrupt and useless body…

Maybe Israel and Iraq ain’t that different

Foreign Policy’s The Cable blog perhaps doesn’t realise that its reference to Israeli politics is very revealing. This isn’t just about a comparison to Israeli politics but a belief that somebody like Tzipi Livni is essentially sharing the same message as current Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu. Different rhetoric, same belief in Zionist exceptionalism. Maybe Iraq…

Israel and apartheid South Africa, friends til the end

The latest article by Max Blumenthal simply must be read in full. Powerful, telling and tragic, really. The legacy of Zionism is occupation and complicity with apartheid South Africa. Charming: A May 6 “expose” from the Israeli newspaper Yediot Ahronot gave Israeli government officials and their hardline American proxies the ammunition they had been seeking…

Homes and infrastructure deliberately destroyed in Gaza

Human Rights Watch – currently experiencing some internal angst over its supposed excessive focus on Israeli crimes, a bogus charge – continues its painstaking on the ground work in Gaza: Israel should investigate the unlawful destruction of civilian property during the 2009 Gaza hostilities and lift the blockade that hinders residents from rebuilding their homes,…

Yet more censorious Jews, this time in Western Australia

This website has documented over the years the litany of events, talks, shows, media and individuals who have been bullied by the Zionist lobby to not speak out over Palestine or simply temper their opinions. The play “Seven Jewish Children” seems to have caused many Jews to act irrationally. Complaining about the work, however irrational…

Israel and Iraq questions provide double whammy in Auckland

I’m currently at the Auckland Writer’s Festival. Wonderful event. Speaking to hundreds of people every day – mainly about the Middle East but also on the importance of alternative voices online – and the one message that keeps on coming up is how rarely dissenting Jewish perspectives or those critical of Israel appear in the…

Overland branded biased by Jewish academics

My following article appears in today’s edition of Crikey: Overland is a quarterly publication published in Melbourne since 1954 and aims to give, in the words of…  editor Jeff Sparrow, “space for radicals and liberals”. Over the past few years a handful of articles have appeared written by Jews (including me, principally on peak oil)…

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