New Zealand remembers well how Israel views its sovereignty

The Dubai/Mossad saga rolls on: A former Israeli diplomat at the centre of a passport scam in New Zealand in 2004 has been named as a suspect in the assassination of a top Hamas leader. Zev William Barkan is one of 32 people Dubai police say they want to speak to as they investigate the…

Irish figures lead the way against Israel’s entry into OECD

The following letter in the Irish Times, signed by Irish MPs, is a welcome development in a decision that should shun Israel: On May 11th, 2010, the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) will vote on whether or not to complete Israel’s application to join its ranks. Supporting Israel’s ascension to the OECD would…

No concern with cuddly Americans killing for Israel

In case anybody was unsure, this story in Politico includes a key point about the profound hypocrisy of America’s foreign policy (and the situation is little different in Australia). It’s alright for Jewish, American citizens to visit Israel and kill Arabs in the name of “fighting terrorism” but anybody caught on the side of the…

Don’t expect to be equally employed in Israel if you’re Arab

That’s quite a democracy you have there: Only six of the 439 Knesset workers are Arabs, according to a report on minority employees at government institutions submitted… on Wednesday… by United Arab List-Ta’al MK Ahmed Tibi. … According to the committee report, only 1.3 percent of workers in the Prime Minister’s Office are Arab. In the Finance…

Britain shows a modicum of guts towards Israel (take note Australia)

Some Western countries, at least on the surface, don’t treat Israel as the woman they always want to bed: Britain has refused to allow Israel‘s Mossad secret service to send a representative back to the country’s London embassy following the row over the killing of a Hamas operative by agents using forged UK passports. Israel’s…

The world game continues in Gaza

The first Gaza World Cup football championship is about to begin. Unable to leave the Gaza Strip due to Israel and Egypt’s blockade, life must go on: The best of the Gazan footballers will compete against teams representing countries with aid workers and other foreigners in Gaza — Algeria, Egypt, England, France, Germany, Ireland, Italy,…

10 tips to convince those virulent Israel haters

Rabbi Marvin Hier is the founder and dean of the Simon Wiesenthal Centre, a leading Jewish organisation in the US. The document below is truly astounding, a hilariously clueless attempt to refute allegedly unfair claims against Israel and Jews. Black is white, the occupation is a charming day in the park and Israel just wants…

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