Boycott Iran but embrace Israel like a young girl in need

Oh, the irony, Here’s Jewish news service JTA publishing a piece demanding that private companies divest from Iran because it’s a threat to world peace blah blah blah. Of course, if anybody dares suggest that a company making money from the Israeli occupation of Palestine should be boycotted they’re labeled extremists and mad. Iran is…

Jews who don’t marry Jews

How to be a good Jew: Rumored wedding bells for Bar Refaeli and Leonardo DiCaprio may ring true or false, but… these are already being muffled… by controversy. “It is not by chance that you were born Jewish,” wrote Baruch Marzel in a letter… he sent Refaeli through her mother (and that…  promptly appeared in the press).… “Your grandmother…

The so-called Arab street is growing impatient with Israel

An editorial in the Arab News that shows the growing anger in the Middle East towards Israel (despite Jerusalem Post writer Caroline Glick arguing that in fact the “moderate”, authoritarian and US-backed Arab states want Israel to take on Iran and win): The Israeli Army’s plan to deport tens of thousands of Palestinians from the…

News flash, Jews: another Holocaust isn’t coming

A good editorial in Haaretz: Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu used the official ceremony for Holocaust Remembrance Day on Sunday to warn about the Iranian threat. “The world gradually accepts Iran’s statements of destruction against Israel and we still do not see the necessary international determination to stop Iran from arming,” Netanyahu said, calling on “all…

How to fight the occupation with a few good men and women

Israeli peace group Ta’ayush – not just talking but doers against the occupation – on another week in the West Bank: As in every week of the year, we woke up at 07:00 on a Saturday morning to oppose injustice. We, is a group of about 15, mostly Israeli and some International Activists lead by…

Remind us why America can solve the Middle East crisis, again?

Daniel Pipes reminds us that Washington’s supposed attempts at peace are really counter-productive: ….The “peace process” is in actuality a “war process.” Diplomatic negotiations through the 1990s led to a parade of Israeli retreats that had the perverse effect of turning the middling-bad situation of 1993 into the awful one of 2000. Painful Israeli concessions,…

Realising what the occupation has done to Israel’s heart and soul

Here’s famed Israeli leftist and novelist David Grossman speaking at a rally in Sheikh Jarrah in Jerusalem on Friday. Whatever the criticisms directed at the organised Left in Israel – and there are many – Grossman’s words here are poignant and powerful: I think that we are all beginning to grasp — even those who…

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